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Encrypted sequences and no access to original PC


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So I made a huge rookie mistake 3 years ago. I purchased a 16 channel box (30 amp), and the advanced software.

On my work computer I installed software, but could not register it because of the way my work computer was setup. I didn't think it was a big deal. I would work on my sequences at work in my down time.

Then I discovered the error of my ways. (can't copy and paste from another PC) I learned this AFTER my work computer was replaced... and I cannot even install LOR at work anymore. (they've really locked our PC's down)

So I cannot go back to the "demo" PC.

Well for the last 2 years I have sucked it up... and when I needed to tweak a sequence I already had... I would just fix whatever channel I needed...

This year I bought a second 16 channel box (30 amp), three sets of CCB, and paid to upgrade my software.

I have 12 sequences total, and 7 are encrypted. There just has to be a way to get these files unlocked. I'm not starting over...

So how can I get this fixed??

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You would need to submit a help desk ticket.

Be sure to include your license information in the ticket. (At the very least ID what email address the license is registered to.)

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And yet another reason I will never use the "encrypted sequences" option. You just never know when that main computer will go belly up or, in this situation be replaced and then be locked down by your employer from outside software and other things employers don't want on THEIR computer systems.

But what you will have to do is submit a help ticket and then you will have to send ALL your encrypted sequences to LOR usually via e-mail, who will then UNLOCK them and send them back to you via e-mail. It's the ONLY WAY they can be unlocked as their is no option for the end user to do this. Only the folks at LOR can unlock any type of encrypted sequence made with the SE.

Good Luck.

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And yet another reason I will never use the "encrypted sequences" option. You just never know when that main computer will go belly up or, in this situation be replaced and then be locked down by your employer from outside software and other things employers don't want on THEIR computer systems.

But what you will have to do is submit a help ticket and then you will have to send ALL your encrypted sequences to LOR usually via e-mail, who will then UNLOCK them and send them back to you via e-mail. It's the ONLY WAY they can be unlocked as their is no option for the end user to do this. Only the folks at LOR can unlock any type of encrypted sequence made with the SE.

Good Luck.

The "Export as Protected" option has nothing to do with this scenario. These are sequences that were created with a demo version of the Sequence Editor. In those cases the only way to have them unlocked is to either register the computer they were created on, or send the Sequence to LOR.

I can't imagine anyone who creates their own sequences for their own use would have any reason to use the "Export as Protected" option.

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I just want to say that the folks at LOR were extremely professional and quick in assisting me. I submitted the ticket around 9pm CST on Wednesday night the day before Thanksgiving. I included my email, name, and serial. Within 45 minutes I had a reply and an invitation to upload my files via dropbox.

I uploaded my files on Thanksgiving morning around 11:30am CTS, and by 7:45pm CST on Thanksgiving I received an email that my fiels were placed back into dropbox and were now decrypted.

I had zero expectations that people at LOR would be working on Thanksgiving to get my situation fixed. I expected MAYBE Saturday but more likely Monday.

I made those original files on a demo version of the software before I really understood what the heck I was doing, and why I should have done it on a liscensed version. I now understand why files made on demo are encrypted, and all I can say is the fine people at LOR took care of me.

Thanks again!!!

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The "Export as Protected" option has nothing to do with this scenario. These are sequences that were created with a demo version of the Sequence Editor. In those cases the only way to have them unlocked is to either register the computer they were created on, or send the Sequence to LOR.

I can't imagine anyone who creates their own sequences for their own use would have any reason to use the "Export as Protected" option.

Hey Don, anyone's liable to do anything around here. You should know that by now. :P

But I did miss that they were made with a demo version, guess the OP's first line threw me when they said they had the "advanced software", so I thought they had exported the sequence using the "protected" option. So I misread their initial post.

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