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Visualizer not displaying arches from arch wizard

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Hey all,

First let me say the visualizer is incredibly cool. Being able to take a picture of your house and using it to create a show was just a fantastic concept.

So far so good. The tutorial was pretty straight forward and answered most of my questions. I purchased one of the LOR sequences (Jingle Bells) and then started to create a 48 channel setup. I've created my 4 sets of 4 on the house and my 4 mini trees. Everything is working great except when I go to create an arch using the arch wizard.

I successfully created an arch prop with 8 segments (fixtures). I used the wizard to assocate the channels from the show to the arch. When I look the associations appear to be correct. For example, Arch 1 segment 1 fixture is associated with Fixture E which is 03.01. I check all the segments and sure enough the appropriate channels appear to be associated. Cool.

However when I play the show and it gets to the the portion where arches should be doing arch type stuff nothing displays. I've tried restarting the program, recreating my arch, changing the size of my arch, and changing the color of my arch to no avail. I reviewed the arch wizard portion in the help and I don't see anything there that tells me I've missed something obvious. I'm using a demo version of the software for this even though I have purchased the advanced version. I didn't want to license the advanced version on this PC.

Anyone have a thought on what I'm doing wrong? Thanks in advance for any help.

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Hi Devmike,

I have a license for advanced but I'm using a demo copy right now as I didn't want to register the software with this PC. I checked the compatability matrix for the software versions and didn't see anything related to visualizer and arches. If it is as easy as registering my advanced copy then I'll kick myself. Thank you for your response.


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