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Newbe with problem

Mr Grunts

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Ok all, I was hoping to figure this out my self but now im just stumped.

I downloaded the 3.0.4 software and am working with it in the demo untill payday when i can get the licence.

I have already done the visualizer with putting a pic of my home putting the light where i want them and set channels for them.

now i am starting the sequencing part to music and this is my problem. I can not transfer from paper to my brain, in other words whatever i read i can't remember 10 mins later.

dont get me wrong i can read, i just have to do things different in order to remember. I have to watch,listen,and do. best way to say it is Hands ON!!!!!!! so this is what i am hoping someone can help me with.

I am looking for a video of someone using the sequencer, if i could see how they are sequencing there song i can figure out how to use the program and im off. I have read the manual a few times now and ive even gone back and forth between the manual and the program and I keep drawing a blank as soon as i open the program. I know to some this may seem pretty dumb and ive even heard " your just wasting your time" you'll never get it. But I have a great passion to do this ( and i will ) I just need a little help.

If you know of such videos, any videos that will help it would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks for your understanding

Dennis Smith

Toledo Ohio

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Guest Don Gillespie

Don't think of yourself as dumb, when I first started I had no clue as to what I was doing I just kept pushing buttons and playing with things untill it clicked have fun and welcome aboard

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this is what i was looking for. I did so many searches on youtube and just wasnt asking the right thing ( well the right thing just not the right words )

Again Thank you very much

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ok this is really cool, Thank you and im already having fun, got a question, is there a way i can input my visualizer where i have the pic of my home with the lights and what channels there on to the sequencer so i can see what channels has what lights in stead of seeing 01/01, 01/02, 01/03 and so on? or can you not do this in demo mode? it would be easier to see what lights im turning on and off instead of remembering what channels i put things on.

Thanks again

Dennis Smith

think i found it

thanks again

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Too bad I don't live in Ohio, I'm in Florida, but if I were anywhere near you, I'd come over and give you some 1 on 1 hands on help to get you and your creative juices flowing. Videos are great for a starting point, but they don't always cover some of the nuances users find within the software or other tricks that video's don't always teach.

Welcome to the hobby and hope you have a great display once you've gotten it all down.

BTW: You can rename your channels in the LOR Sequence Editor {SE}, it's very easy to do, just click on the channel to bring up the properties box, then where is shows something like 01.02, highlight that and remove it, then type in the name you are using that channel for, for example: BM Santa 1 and then click Ok. You've just renamed that channel to an item in your display.

Myself, I do it this way, click on the channel button, rename the channel to {example} BM Santa 1 - 01.02

That then tells me I have Blow Mold {BM} Santa #1 on Controller #1 {01} and Channel #2 {02}, this way I can still know what controller and channel each prop is on and what it is

Once you have all your channels named and set, click on the "Edit" button in the tool bar at the top of the screen, then when the pop up opens, Click on.the "Export/Import Channel Configuration", then the the next pop up open, click on the "Export channel Configuration", another pop window will come up asking what to name the file, for example if this is for Christmas, name it ChristmasLights2012, and lcc extension will be added automatically, the file will save to the default LOR Sequences directory you set up when you installed the software.

Now you can load this every time you need and your buttons will always have the same labels and controllers set to them. This can be set as defaults in the SE the next time you load it. Just check the box "save as default" when it opens. I think the LOR Videos cover this, as I've never really watched all of them myself. Which may help you to set up your SE in a way you don't have to spend extra time doing this every time you do a new sequence with a different song.

Again, welcome to the hobby, most of all have fun with it and don't let it become work or a chore for you.

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Just wanted to say thank you for everyones input, I just finished my first song, it took me around 9hr for a 4min song but it was fun. starting my second one now. hope to have at lease 6 done by lights on.

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ok here is my problem now, hope you can help.

every time i try to load a new mp3 into the sequencer i get ( can not find ending time to file, retry again? ) i checked the file and it shows the time so i tried to load it again and i get the same thing.

I tried other mp3 files and it is doing the same thing. i have already completed 2 other songs and they were also mp3 files and i had no problems.

what am i doing wrong?

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Not sure if your problem relates specifically to .mp3s but you may want to try converting them to a .wav file. Audacity is a free program that a lot of us use.

.wav files seem to work better for me - especially when starting and stopping as I sequence. I have had trouble with with mp3 synching correctly (even after converting them to a constant bit rate format). Since using .wav files, I haven't had any issues.

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Thank you M.D, I downloaded it and tring to figure how to use it now.

Thanks much


update: worked like a charm. thank you

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