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Wow! Sequencing my first song


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Everyone said it would take a long time to sequence a song and now I'm a believer! I worked probably 3 hours today on my first one and I think I'm 40 seconds into it right now and I've only sequenced one part of my display. I may be going about this the wrong way but what I trying to do is work on each element individually and when I get that element the way I want I'll go on to another one and incorporate it into the sequence. So if anyone else is new out there like I am you better start sequencing NOW and you MIGH have two or three songs done by lights on time! I only have a few hours a week I can dedicate to sequencing so I may have to rely heavily on the genoriosity of others to share a few sequenced with me. The hardware is the "easy" part!

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Guest Don Gillespie

Everyone said it would take a long time to sequence a song and now I'm a believer! I worked probably 3 hours today on my first one and I think I'm 40 seconds into it right now and I've only sequenced one part of my display. I may be going about this the wrong way but what I trying to do is work on each element individually and when I get that element the way I want I'll go on to another one and incorporate it into the sequence. So if anyone else is new out there like I am you better start sequencing NOW and you MIGH have two or three songs done by lights on time! I only have a few hours a week I can dedicate to sequencing so I may have to rely heavily on the genoriosity of others to share a few sequenced with me. The hardware is the "easy" part!

It gets easier Matt the more you sequence the better you become at it. and if its worth anything I sequence like you one element at a time unless I see something in my mind that allows me to sequence two or three elements at one time.

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In the end its Worth it. At first I was going to say it might be a good idea to look at some of the Freebies out there. (It will give you some ideas) but if you end up doing a few on your own, you will have the satisfaction of knowing, plus it might just turn out better based on your vision! Best of luck and enjoy.

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Welcome to the fun Matt. As others have said, it does get easier as you go along and as you get better, it does take less time to get it done. I think the first song I did when I started with my first show, Halloween, in 2010 took me a very long time to do, seemed like hundreds and hundreds of hours, now, depending on the song, I may be able to get one done in 2-3 hours time, if I stay with it, which I usually don't, so I may spend a few hours a day on a song and take a few days to finalize it. I look back at some of my original sequences that I thought were really good at the time and think, Gad!, Did I really do that? That was terrible, LOL

So now I have been going back and tweaking those sequences, and it seems every year I still find criteria in them I want to change in them. It's a never-ending process.....or so it seems!

But once you get the hang of it, and again, depending on the compexity of the song you're sequencing, it'll get easier. It's that first year that is usually the hardest for most newcomers into this hobby.

Best of Luck to you and on your display!

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You do get faster, but each year you learn time saveing tricks you add more channels which takes more time.

So, in the end, it takes you longer.

My first year was 4 hours per minute. 2nd - 5 was 8 hours per minute.

Now with RGB I am at 12 hours per minute.

But it is a lot of fun.


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Thanks for all the advice guys. I just finished the first element of my first song. I figure I have about 4 hours into it right now but I think it should start to go quicker. I'm using RGB dumb strips for the house so changing color on them should be simple. Just cycle between different colors throughout the song.

BTW: I found a awesome version of Joy to the World (which is what I'm working on now) the artist is Dameon Aranda. It's kind of a heavy metal version of the song. I'm not really into that kind of music but I can't get it out of my head. But that may just be because I just listened to it 1000 times too.. LOL

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In the end its Worth it. At first I was going to say it might be a good idea to look at some of the Freebies out there. (It will give you some ideas) but if you end up doing a few on your own, you will have the satisfaction of knowing, plus it might just turn out better based on your vision! Best of luck and enjoy.

In the end its Worth it. At first I was going to say it might be a good idea to look at some of the Freebies out there. (It will give you some ideas) but if you end up doing a few on your own, you will have the satisfaction of knowing, plus it might just turn out better based on your vision! Best of luck and enjoy.

I agree with ezimnow, check out other sequences members have done and shared. might give you some new idea's. here's a link http://forums.lightorama.com/index.php?/topic/9830-free-and-fee-based-sequences-available/


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When you say you sequence one "element" at a time, can you clarify? Sorry, but another complete newbie here. Do you mean you sequence one tree (just using tree as an example, but could be arch, whatever) all the way through the song, then move onto the next one?

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When you say you sequence one "element" at a time, can you clarify? Sorry, but another complete newbie here. Do you mean you sequence one tree (just using tree as an example, but could be arch, whatever) all the way through the song, then move onto the next one?

Yes, an element as a group. Such as a mega tree or a mini tree row or arch's.

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learn the repeat ,fill and chase tools huge time savers. as far as when I do a song I don't go by elements but listen to the song and see in my head what may look good. one more thing ,now that you are sequencing backup your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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As you program your elements you will find patterns that you like and will use in other sequences. Instead of rebuilding the patterns or looking through your sequences to find them to copy and past, create an animation file for that element and put the patterns there. That way you can have a file with all the patterns for that element in one place.

For example; I have an animation file called "spiral tree" which contains all the patterns I have thought of for the spiral tree. By using the "stretch to fit" paste method I copy the pattern I want from the animation file and "fit it" into the timing in the sequence I'm working on. This saves time sequencing, and it helps me remember patterns for all my elements.

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learn the repeat ,fill and chase tools huge time savers. as far as when I do a song I don't go by elements but listen to the song and see in my head what may look good. one more thing ,now that you are sequencing backup your work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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As you program your elements you will find patterns that you like and will use in other sequences. Instead of rebuilding the patterns or looking through your sequences to find them to copy and past, create an animation file for that element and put the patterns there. That way you can have a file with all the patterns for that element in one place.

For example; I have an animation file called "spiral tree" which contains all the patterns I have thought of for the spiral tree. By using the "stretch to fit" paste method I copy the pattern I want from the animation file and "fit it" into the timing in the sequence I'm working on. This saves time sequencing, and it helps me remember patterns for all my elements.

That's a good idea! I'm going to have to try that.

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Well, here it is folks.. My first sequence. Big thanks to RaceMedic for sharing his sequence so that I had a starting point.

(the video is still uploading and should be about 30 min before it can be viewed)

I wanted to go ahead and post the link as I'm about to head to work and may not be able to check the forum until tonight.

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Wouldn't it be hard to sequence one element all the way through a song without sequencing the others at the same time? For instance, let's just say you have a row of 16 mini trees, each on it's own channel. Wouldn't it be hard to sequence tree #1 all the way through first because some of it's flashing/fading/twinkling will be in tune with other trees? Guess I'm having a hard time figuring out how you'd "translate" the vision you have in your head into the sequencing program.

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to help make it a little simpler under play go to the bottom choose speed the use 1/2 speed this helps me a lot yes i did one channel at a time to start out learning takes lot more time

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Wouldn't it be hard to sequence one element all the way through a song without sequencing the others at the same time? For instance, let's just say you have a row of 16 mini trees, each on it's own channel. Wouldn't it be hard to sequence tree #1 all the way through first because some of it's flashing/fading/twinkling will be in tune with other trees? Guess I'm having a hard time figuring out how you'd "translate" the vision you have in your head into the sequencing program.

I've actually graduated to using groups now. I have all my similar elements in groups and I work on one group at a time. So I have 5 mini trees. All 5 get sequenced at the same time. Same thing with my "firesticks" on the front porch. They all get sequenced together. The RBG lights all get sequenced together, the CCRs, etc. etc. I did find the 1/2 speed option that that is really helpful to get your timing marks down.

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What Matt said is what I was refering to. Not just 1 mini tree, but the mini tree's as a group.

When your display starts to grow you will start having groups of channels. Mini tree's and mega tree is a perfect example.

You generally don't just have one mini tree come on, they work together in a chase or combined pattern.

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Nice job but one question. What are the two blue things in the drive?

LOL Those represent trees that are in my front yard. Didn't have any where to draw them so that where they went.

Oh and the MM's stand for Mickey and Minnie Mouse blowmolds that I have.

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