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Newbie Needs Guidance With Chase Tool


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Sorry to post such a "simple" question here, but I thought you all might be able to help me out...

I am new to sequencing and all things LOR. I've watched several LOR video tutorials and am trying to experiment with the software.

I have 5 mini trees and I want to chase the lights from left to right, and then immediately back from right to left to create the illusion that the light is "bouncing" back and forth. (I am trying to chase a fade up/ fade down)

I have figured out how to chase from one end to the other, but I can't figure out how to chase back without either overwriting the original chase or causing the lights to pause for a split second.

Any suggestions (please speak slowly :-))


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Two things, 1) check the "paste from foreground" option (bottom left side of your Sequence Editor screen. 2) learn to use the "H" button (shortcut key) it will help tremendously!!!! Select the first tree, apply effect, then highlight from start of effect to where you would like the chase to end (tree 5), then press the "H" key. Then reverse what you just did, bottom to top,(or vise/versa) it will chase in the other direction...

Hope that makes sense...

Edited by John Slade
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Edit: I re-read what you wrote and saw you're trying to chase a fade. John's idea of "paste from foreground" is the way to go. With fades, what you'll need to do is create the chase back with the fade tool elsewhere in the sequence and then cut/copy it to where you want it. The paste from foreground allows you to paste over what's already there without replacing it - such as the fade down at the end of your first chase where you want it to start fading up again in the opposite direction.

Edited by George Simmons
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I would suggust reading the online help for the chase tool. As noted above, the chase tool honors the "Paste from foreground" setting. You can also chase in either direction depending on which way you select the cells. It's a short read and worth it to figure out this very valuable tool.

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