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Building on a Squence

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I need help from the experts.

I have checked the wikie and did a search on the subject but did not find anything specific to what I am trying to do.

I would like to get A comprehensive approach to adding channels to my existing sequences

I used 48 channels last year and I am planning on adding 48 channels this year. I would like to use and expand on some of the music sequences I already have. One of my questions is what is the best approach? Is it best to created a new 96 channel sequence and cut and past the parts of the old sequence into the new one or do and export/import. Or just add channels to the existing sequence and re label the channels? Or is there just a better way altogether? I have re assigned some of the channels to better take advantage of extension cord length and box locations. I tried doing the cut and past on one song and the timing was way off ,( I think this was do to the way I created the grid timing) . I hope I have explained this right , and once again thanks for all your help.

My next topic for discussion will be a new approach for the “Mega tree” I will save that one for next time. ;)

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I think the best way is to add to your current sequences. What you do is on the first sequence you add in all the channels where you want them and assign them, then save the configuration (export). Make a quick map of where you added channels ie. add 6 channels under "roof ridge", add 4 channel under minitree 8, etc.

Open up your other sequences and add the channels in the proper places then import the configuration and everything should fall into the right place.

Just adding more and more channels to the bottom can create a nightmare when sequencing. Its better to keep things grouped and logical.

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I am going through this right now too ! I came up with the same
method that Brian described. There were several channels that had to be moved
around too. It is quite a bit of work, but that's why I'm starting now.
Going from 64 to 144 channels .. WOW what a different experience
sequencing has become !


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