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Light Animation On A Budget


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hellooldchap42 wrote:

I am on a hardcore budget for my first time doing this, because I want to make sure it doesn't become something I do once and never touch it again. Does anyone know if there are controllers that a free software would work with? Or better yet, does anyone know if there ARE free softwares out there to use?

If this year turns out really well, I will probably invest in the LOR setup, but as I said, just not ready to spend 500 dollars on my lighting yet.

All help is greatly appreciated. Thank you all.

You could still do a bit with $500 and some time to learn to DIY if your on a tight budget, but here is not the place to discuss it as this is a LOR forum
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Although most look down on Mr.C, you can have a decent show and make lots of people happy. You just have to plan well and "sequence" the lights to your liking. I have since moved on to a more complicated show with many,many channels of LOR and lots more lights. The video link below is from 2008. Ahhhh, the simple days of plug-and-play!


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I’m not trying to step on any toes over here but there really are better options than Mr. Christmas. In fact we can help you convert your Mr. Christmas too if you want to.

What! Wait, I can convert my Mr Christmas to work with LOR? I'd love to have six more channels... Explain.

(As far as repeating what was said before as this being an expensive hobby, I am apologise but smart phone screens are only so big, 5 pt font is hard to read)
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alchrisr01 wrote:

Although most look down on Mr.C, you can have a decent show and make lots of people happy.
People loved my display with MR. C. I had around 7,000 lights (mostly LED). I just used lots of splitters and cords and it made the display look like a lot more then it really was. But, after two years, I really wanted the control and THAT is why I came to LOR. Make no mistake in reality Mr. Christmas IS the gateway drug!
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Hi my name is Paul
I am an addict.
I started with Mr Christmas

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PaulXmas wrote:

Hi my name is Paul
I am an addict.
I started with Mr Christmas

thats too true,started with a gemmy and it was cool for two years,but the irrattic flashing gets annoying

I know Jimswinder will be all over the flashing part:P
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james campbell wrote:

know Jimswinder will be all over the flashing part:P

you know better than to entice me with your flashing parts!!!!
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hellooldchap42 wrote:

I am on a hardcore budget for my first time doing this, because I want to make sure it doesn't become something I do once and never touch it again.  Does anyone know if there are controllers that a free software would work with?  Or better yet, does anyone know if there ARE free softwares out there to use?

If this year turns out really well, I will probably invest in the LOR setup, but as I said, just not ready to spend 500 dollars on my lighting yet.

All help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you all.

You can get started with LOR for less than 500... It will of course be less expensive during the summer sale but you can get a (almost assembled controller, you just put in a few screws and plug in some wires) for $215 http://store.lightorama.com/ctascpa.html and then the Generic Starter Package with USB adapter, software, cables... http://store.lightorama.com/spk800.html for about $44... So for just a little over $250 you can get started.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hate to say as the other 2 have. Wrong hobby to be on a shoe string budget. Lights, controller, wiring, sequencer software, I would say at best you will spend $500.00

shoot I have spent that just on my 3 controllers! not to mention the lights...and I have purchased that on ebay, craigslist and yard sales. My fm transmitter for another $100, wireless speaker for people who aren't in cars $89.... wire to build some of my props $130 pvc for my mega tree$80ish... and I havent purchased the spt wire stuff for extension cords. and this is my first year. It is expensaive...but it's gunna be awesome!!

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jimswinder wrote:

I'm dumping 18 of them next year.

say it aint so!!!! what in the world! are you not doing your lights??? Guess I need to get up there this year and see them. Put me on your buyer list!

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Guest wbottomley

say it aint so!!!! what in the world! are you not doing your lights??? Guess I need to get up there this year and see them. Put me on your buyer list!

LOL. That's not half of them but getting close.

I'm converting six mega-trees to pixel trees next year. I will be selling those controllers and LED's associated with them. Hit me up in January for an incredible deal on controllers and lights.

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james campbell wrote: James..

you know better than to entice me with your flashing parts!!!!

Best part of Jims flashing lights is that most times, you dont have to look "up" at them.. :D

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  • 1 month later...

HI I am Bryan and I am an adict too!

Last year I started with one controller and 16 Channels, I already had lights for the house from the year before. I ordered some vampire plugs and some Lamp cord and got started for under $500, Start off slow look around and think your money through. I found all my sequences here. I was at a thrift store one day and found four winders full of lights for $30. I had to create a tree just to use them all! My computer( Laptop) Crashed and I had to steal my kids computer to run the show. I used the speakers as well on my front porch for sound!

My girls and I had a blast doing this. Heck I even had the cops called by my SCROOGE neighbor! He has since moved but all theother neighbors loved it. We have allways had a secret competition every year any way. I would say buy the controler and start checking Craigslist under the free section daily. I have rescued two trees from there and got them working as well! You can also start going to thrift stores and garage sales as well. you never know what you will come across!I enjoy the hunt as much as the building. all my friends are allways looking for me as well!

OK Enough ranting Just do it, I am sure you will never look back!

OH and for the money get the LOR controller that has the card built, you save minimal on the building of your own circuit board not to mention there are some awesome tutorials on the assembly of the pluggs and box on you tube!

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Hi my name is Bill and I have the C L A P!

C = Christmas

L = Light

A = Addiction

P= Problem

And I too started with a Mr. Christmas box. Then modded it to run with Vixen, and now have 80 channels of LOR.

After you see the smiles of the kids that come to watch your shows you will be hooked too! :D

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I started with a 12 channel Gemmy and still use it for Halloween. It makes it easier for me to focus on Christmas.

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I started the first year for about $500. I just used 1 PC controller to sequence the lights I already was putting up on my house each year for a static display. Would have been cheaper than $500, but then I got on here and learned about megatrees and so I had to build one. It was static and used p.o.s. leds from Menards, but everyone loved my show. Now two years later I am up to 96 channels and have started swapping incans for commercial quality LEDs. My budget each year now is about $1500, but I could easily spend 2 or 3 times that in a heart beat if the wife would let me. :)

Edited by imawlkr2
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