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LOR in Extreme Temps

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I think Tim Fisher might of answered this already, but I have to ask before I spend the $$$.. How does LOR do in cold weather? Living in Alaska it kind of gets a little cold here in Winter (I know this may come as a surprise to some of you!!):shock: Anyways, how does it do in negative temps? We dont have to much moisture here, but I was wondering if, with it being that cold for long periods of time, would I need to keep it inside or will it work in the boxes it comes in (the showtime editions?)

Just would hate to have my show "freeze" up.:laughing::laughing::laughing: Yep, the pun was intended.

Thanks in advance,

Jeff in Alaska

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We have cold weather here in Northern Ontario not like you do but gets down to -15C and colder with windchill so I don't thin k you will have a problem where you are.

In a well weatherproof box should be no problems will keep your boards cool anyways:laughing::laughing:

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i dont know but you could use a small heater of some sort, or a Incandescent light bulb; to keep the inside of the LOR box warmer. Also insulate the outside of the box.

the only thing is it may couse some kind of interference but the box has some large loads being pulled thru it tho. will someone with a LOR plz comment on this.

If it, becomes a problem with the temperatures being too low.

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When you first start the unit there could be a problem depending on the outside temperature and in Alaska, I assume it can get very cold. The unit will be the same temperature as the outside temperature. This can cause a problem if some of the components are not rated to work at that temperature. Once the unit is on, the heat it generates should be able to keep the unit's temperature above its minimum operating temperature.

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Ask Dan but I think you should be ok. On the positive side you won't have to worry about them over heating.:laughing:

The other thing you could do is put them in your garage and run the cords to them.

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I'm in Chicago and we get down to negative numbers during the winter and my LOR boxes have always done well in the cold.

I have two of my boxes hanging from metal polls with no wind block and the other two inside of some guard shacks I build and no problems with either.

My issues have always been with rain but that's not an LOR issue.

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JMitchell wrote:

I think Tim Fisher might of answered this already, but I have to ask before I spend the $$$.. How does LOR do in cold weather? Living in Alaska it kind of gets a little cold here in Winter (I know this may come as a surprise to some of you!!):shock: Anyways, how does it do in negative temps? We dont have to much moisture here, but I was wondering if, with it being that cold for long periods of time, would I need to keep it inside or will it work in the boxes it comes in (the showtime editions?)

Just would hate to have my show "freeze" up.:laughing::laughing::laughing: Yep, the pun was intended.

Thanks in advance,

Jeff in Alaska

We have some customers in Alaska ( as well as all 50 states )... You should not have a problem with the controllers. The componets are rated down to -40 degrees. We tested one card at -60 degrees F and it worked.
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Thanks all.. Thats what I wanted to hear!!! I have thought about which way I would want to mouth them... Guess I will just have to see when I put it all together..

Thanks again for all the replies! I knew I could count on you all!

Jeff in Alaska

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True Story:

Alaska does not have a huge number of people so I hope I am not intruding on our customer's privacy (we never give out customer information) but this should be vague enough to maintain that privacy.

The first customer we had from Alaska was Mr. Frost :)

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Stupid answer maybe, but here in Aust we only get down to about -10 in the snowfields.

We fitted some electronic gear up there a few years ago on the very top of the snowfields, it may get spikes down to -40 with windchill thrown in to the factor.

You can buy little heater elements that run on 24 Vac or 12 Vdc that "warm" the housing in cold weather or turn on blowers in hot weather, maybe fitting these would be an idea to bring it to a stable temperature?

CCTV camera housings have this type of thing as well.

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