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16 channel spiral tree


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I just built a 8' spiral tree, but I am having a hard time programming it does anyone have any cool sequences that they can share audio not necessary but will use if you want to share that also thanks and has a nice Christmas.

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Here ya go. It's 2 color 30 channel test seq but you can copy and paste what you want. This is my first year with a spiral tree. I love it. I can't recommend a 2 color tree enough. Something to consider for next year. Around 1:12 and at the end of the seq is my favorite part. Have fun.

Attached files spiral sample karl spiral.las

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Mike I just made my first one this year I followed " how to make a spiral tree" by jerryb721 on you tube. I made mine 8, and spaced the screws 5" apart came out pretty cool. I also used bailing wire from elbow from the base on the corners to the elbows in the middle and from the middle to the top it gives it a more round effect.

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Thanks for the ideas. These look like they would collapse down nicely if screwed together. I like props that look big but store small.

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ya Jeff the way i did mine is i glued the bottom and middle circles but i left the half way point unglued so i can take it apart and also kept the uprights unglued. the whole thing fits in a plastic container except the bottom circle i take it in half and fits nice in the corner storage above my garage.

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Again I appreciate the You Tube Link. It showed how he would wrap the tree but I was really looking for more technical as in 101. What the ribbon consist of as far as string count side by side per channel. Spacing along the bottom and top. How many channels need to get the effect. Spacing of channels etc. Any sequence advise also. :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

First thing to do is listen to Mark. He helped me a lot. Thanks Mark.

Then plan the tree in the spiral tree calculator.
Found here: http:westseattlelights.com/Spiral Tree Calculator.xls
I knew my string length so I worked the calc backwards to get my sizes.

After that plot the tree in the animator part of sequence editor.
For me this was the hardest part. All those pixels blend.

Then it's buy or build parts. What are you capable of?

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Wow! thanks Karl, the calculator will help allot. Being a man of modest means I have to make everything. Maybe someday I can get some sponsors ;-)

My software is 2.7 and doesn't have the animator. Couldn't find 2.9 on LOR which is the last version before upgrading. Not sure if that would have the animator or not.

I appreciate all your guys help. I need to install another panel before I can add anything else. I use 186 amps with 71,000 lights. Maybe I will hit the lottery...oh wait I have to play it first.


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The wow goes to you Mike. I just watched your video.
As far as build it yourself goes here's what I did.

I made my own star topper out of 1/8" stainless steel welding filler rod.
Same goes for all the hooks at the top of the pole.
Welded the hooks to a 1" length of 5" SS pipe.
Wifey says it looks like a device from"Saw"
Fitted the star and hook ring to the top of a 1-5/8" tube 18' long.
Put a 2' hole in the yard and cemented in to it a PVC tube with the same ID as my pole.
For the base ring I used 2 pieces of 1/2" PVC elec conduit.
I used 1/2" rebar that I bent a hook into for ground anchors. 15 of them.
I welded a 5" square piece of sheet metal to the rebar to prevent it from pulling sideways through the dirt.
Then I user polyester cord for the guys.
Polyester cord will not rot, decay and most important STRECH.
And it's cheep.
Found here:http://www.mcmaster.com Part # 3852T11.
I used 300'. Cut to 20' pieces.
String up and tighten the cords.
I used 1 string of minis per channel.
I added 1 string at a time, wrapping the amount found in the calc.
Here is a crude video of the result

Let me know if you need more.
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