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Remove Media File


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I have a sequence created with a media file. I would like to remove the media file. That is no music with the show. I searched the forums and help file and haven't found a way to remove it. I know how to add it EDIT/MEDIA FILE. Where's the EDIT/DELETE MEDIA FILE?

Related to this, I have a show running on my computer. If there is music with the show it plays on my speakers. Can I play a show with music so I can't hear it or listen to something else while the show is going on so I can listen to other music or work on a new sequence with music?


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jbzeus wrote:


Related to this, I have a show running on my computer. If there is music with the show it plays on my speakers. Can I play a show with music so I can't hear it or listen to something else while the show is going on so I can listen to other music or work on a new sequence with music?


Deleting a media file from a musical sequence would make it an animation sequence. So, File -> Save As, and save it to an animation sequence. That will remove the audio file from the sequence.

I don't even know if you can do two sound cards, or something like that. However, that would be the only thing I can think of. Gotta remember what ever sound is coming out of your computer, your visitors are going to hear as well.
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