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Sequence off by a second


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I'm posting this for a friend of mine, who like me, is a newbie and in his second year.

He has come into an issue that I have never experienced and was hoping someone could help.

When sequencing a song everything is fine up until about a minute or so, and then everything goes off sync and gets progressively worse until it is off by a second or so.

His audio is 128.

Any ideas?

He is using LOR 2.7.6

Thanks in advance for any help.

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Is he using an MP3 or a WAV file?

And is the MP3 at a CBR (Constant Bit Rate)?

If you have Audacity (free Download) you can change the files to a CBR and it should fix your problem.


and you will also need a LAME file:


do a search on "constant bit rate" and you will find a lot of threads talking about this problem...

and not that it is the problem, but you could upgrade to 2.9.4...


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