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I just downloaded this song and sequence lastnight De Nattergale - The Stoevle Dance it has 81 channels i am useing the top 16 and i would say 80% doesn't have anything(supposed to be off) the channels aren't showing anything but when hoooked to the lor controller all the lights are danceing by them selves to the music ???????? i will try to get a video of it put on my site soon if anyone can explain this to me that would be great thanx in advance

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Ultamitking73 wrote:

I just downloaded this song and sequence lastnight De Nattergale - The Stoevle Dance it has 81 channels i am useing the top 16 and i would say 80% doesn't have anything(supposed to be off) the channels aren't showing anything but when hoooked to the lor controller all the lights are danceing by them selves to the music ???????? i will try to get a video of it put on my site soon if anyone can explain this to me that would be great thanx in advance

It could be that the 16 channels that are dancing are further down on the sequence. Check the controller and channel number by clicking one of the buttons along the left side of the sequence editor. That should tell you what unit # (controller) and circuit # (channel) it's on.

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Ultamitking73 wrote:

ok i ran it through a few more timeslooks like it is taking parts from all 81 channels except for what are designated as arches it is tooooo weird lol

Can you attach the .lms file here? If you can, then we can download it and see what the issue(s) could be.

I really think what has happened is you may have added another controller (this happened to me too) and I didn't change the Controller ID or channel ID's, so I had two controllers operating at the same time as the same unit. So the lights on BOTH units were dancing when only ONE should have been, And I think this is in all probability the issue you're having.

So if you could upload the sequence so we can take a better look and find out where the problems may be stemming from, we can help you fix it.
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i don't know how to put IMS's on this sight yet but i only have the one controller i put it on my site last night i think it would be interesting to see if it did the same thing there

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Ultamitking73 wrote:

here we go maybe lol

Just looked at your sequence, didn't need to run it (don't have the song), but there is a BIG ISSUE! You have Controller ID #1 and several of the Channel Buttons duplicated for different display elements. Now I don't know if you did that on purpose or not.

But for example here is what I found:
(these are just a couple, you have about 5 or 6 more in there that are duplicated!)

ch14 mini trees, Snemand 2 are both listed as Unit ID #01, Channel 14

ch13 flakes n bow, Snemand 1 are both on ID #01, Channel 13

Like stated you do have many of your ID #1 channels duplicated, this is what is causing you the problems you're experiencing.

I think you actually have TWO controllers set as the same ID #. That would cause this issue.

It appears that the Controller ID #01 is the one you have duplicated in several different areas. From what I can ascertain, the other controller ID #'s are fine, just controller 1 has the issue and this is why you're seeing lights dance that shouldn't be turning on, so this would, in turn, turn on those same lights in a different part of the sequence.

BTW: I did this when I first started sequencing too, and it liked to drive me insane, but I finally printed out my channel info and found what I did that created this headache and finally fixed everything!

Then when I got my second controller I ended up setting with the same ID # as my first one, and that made it even worse trying tio figure out what I did wrong!
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very interesting ideas but 1 main problem i only have 1 ID 1 controller this is the only song that does this all the other 99 songs work perfectly lol hmmmmmmmmmmm but i will look at the config just to triple check

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i see what you mean though now that is cool thanks to bad no prize for solving the problem except for a HUGE thanx for explaining that I thought there were phantom dots where there was nothing lol :D

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Ultamitking73 wrote:

very interesting ideas but 1 main problem i only have 1 ID 1 controller this is the only song that does this all the other 99 songs work perfectly lol hmmmmmmmmmmm but i will look at the config just to triple check

Well I removed a lot of my explaination since I thought you were using MULTIPLE controllers since you have other ID #'s for other controllers in yur sequence.

But only having one controller, then having duplicated elements in the sequence like that would also create those issues as I had stated before removing all that info,

Didn't realize you only had one controller.

But at least you found and corrected the issue before you went completely nuts trying to figure it out! LOL

Glad I could help.
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Thank you so much i thought i might have do delete that one but now it is resolved i like it and it all danced on it's own and i didn't have figure out how to move things around but at the same time there were some holes that i need to iron out now i know how to do it get rid of the dups and move what i want there around thanx

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Ultamitking73 wrote:

Thank you so much i thought i might have do delete that one but now it is resolved i like it and it all danced on it's own and i didn't have figure out how to move things around but at the same time there were some holes that i need to iron out now i know how to do it get rid of the dups and move what i want there around thanx

I figured it was probably something very simple that was being overlooked, once I got your sequence it reminded me of when I first started out too. Fortunately I figured it out on my own. I kept trying to figure out what I did wrong for about a week or so before I relaized I had used the same ID and Channel #'s in the sequence for different elements and parts of the sequence.

Then when I got the second controller, I used the same ID (DUH! just wasn't thinking) and went through that for about 3 hours before I realized I didn't set the new controller number to Unit ID 02. Gad, I felt like such a doofus too. ROFL

So I was glad I was able to get your sequence and look it over, it helps a lot to have someone check over something like that to see what the original sequencer may be missing that could create such issues. It is so funny how one can miss the obvious when its right in front of them too.

I've worked with well seasoned engineers that have done this as well, so it happens to all of us at some time or another. Unfortunately for some of us, it's more than others!:shock::D

Again, glad I could be of service and help you resolve the issue!:cool:
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yea that would be true if i had sequenced it myself then i could see myself going huh? what did i do wrong lol but i got it like that so strange never had that problem in all the other songs so that's why i was puzzled now engineers are another story especially in front of my house lol the south side doesn't have sidewalks my side does so they put handicap ramps on the south side not on my side lol so several months later after asking them where was the brains in that they are doing the ramps on my side so yes EVERYONE has brainfarts lol

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D.O.T. (Dept. of Transportation), has got to have some of the wackiest people working in there I've ever seen! They repainted a road where I used to live, the road had two straight through lanes and a left turn lane, when the idiot repainted the arrows, they painted the left turn just fine, the center straight through lane was still correct, but the right lane they didn't paint the arrow properly, they just painted a right turn only arrow instead of the straight arrow with a right turn arrow coming out of it.

It confused everyone because now they weren't sure if they could still go straight across in that lane, yet, no signs were ever posted that said "Right Lane Must Turn Right Only"., not only that, now traffic was backing up and everyone wasn't getting through the intersection because of this blunder. After about 2 months, they finally figured out they screwed up and came out and repainted the lane correctly. After about a million complaints probably.

Me, no signs posted stating its only a right turn, so I'd still use it as I always did, and go straight across.

Sometimes I wonder when these buffoons will get their heads out of their butt-crack and get things done correctly the first time through! Oh wait, it's the D.O.T., it'll NEVER happen!

I actually worked for the D.O.T. in one of their offices as a temp for a few months, I was amazed at how stupid they do a lot of things. It literally drove me crazy seeing how they handled road issue complaints amd then how long it would take before they'd do anything about them!

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lol you should go look at the "Mr grinch" posts they were talking about the copyright laws let me tell you they got some real idiots in there to and verizon the phone company don't get started with them lol i just stick to my motto "The bigger the company..... the dumber they become" and they are the prime example it's amazing how these people even make it to work each day they are so stupid

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