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Light-O-Rama Forums

Pretty Cool!

Leroy Thompson

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I'm just a 2nd year newbie but I gotta say that this is an amazing hobby. Look at the posts here...folks from all walks of life. Some who work on it the year round; others who just do it for decorating fun at the holiday. Those of us who are just decorators appreciate you who work on sequences all year long and then are willing to share them with us newbies. This year I built the Holdman Star and spelled out some phrases with rope lights but for me it's just Christmas fun. As I sat and read all the desperate requests for sequences at the last minute (like my own) I realized how much fun all this really is. Last week when I was tired of fighting wires I said, "I'm not doing this again" but then I fired up my lights on Wedndesday and went "YES! Can anybody identify with that?

Leroy T.

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Yes, I'm right there with you. I have always decorated inside and outside a lot but this is my first year with a computerized light show. I have looked at them for the past 3 years and said I can do this with the help of my son-in-law and we took the plunge this year. A couple of days ago we were struggling and I wondered if I had bit off more then I should have but today we turned it on and it was amazing as we all stood in the yard with big silly grins on our face. Can't wait for dark so we can get the full effect.

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