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Events and timings not lining up

steve gibbons

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I have see this on a couple of different sequences I've received from others. I need to modify this one, but can't figure out how to do it. The events don't line up with the timing grid.

Does anyone have any ideas?


Attached files 222020=12288-sequence.jpg

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Try setting your paste mode to past by time, instead of paste by cell.

I have a number of cases of marks not lining up. Sometimes I subdivided the timing, did the chase, and deleted the extra marks. Or I did some stuff, deleted marks to get the space to subdivide. Or I built a temate that is intended to go one measure wide, and I will remove the marks for that measure in one timing grid, and paste by cell, so the templated action grows or shrinks as needed to fit the time.

Also, have you checked if there are other timing grids included that line up?

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I found out the hard way... if you use two tracks, duplicate your timing grid (or use a different one altogether). If you skew one track and it shares a timing grid, it will get the other one off. In other words... the skew of one track skews the shared grid but not the events in the other track... so now they are out of sync with the timing grid. Then you can end up having to skew the opposite track (cause rarely will one track need skewing when another won't) and that will put the put the grid out of sync with the events in the 1st track. So copy your grid or use another one, but either way each track kinda needs its own grid where skewing is concerned.

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