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Santa's Symphonies sequences


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  • 10 months later...

I just purchased the DVD and I can't wait to include it in my show. Has anyone sequenced the songs and uploaded the sequences to any sequence sharing sites? I've searched but didn't see any mention of Santa's Symphonies.

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I went the other direction. I used the video with the audio stripped and split the pieces into seperate segments based on the time signature (3/4 2/4 4/4). With a video editor (AVS4U) I cut and pasted sections to lengenthen or shorten the pieces to match the music I was sequencing to. Then overlayed the video ontop of the new music, resulting in any musical sequence with Santa directing in the background.
Sounds more complicated than it really was. Resulting video looks just like Santa was actually directing that song.

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This sounds like a good idea, as long as the beat of the original music from santa symphony is the same as the song you edit in, I think it would be really cool to see.

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  • 2 weeks later...

If anyone's interested, after you divide up the videos/songs, I have some sequences posted to www.ultrashows.com

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