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Shorten Sequence and Song


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I've decided to fade out the song and not have the sequence be as long. However I've already sequence a lot of it and I used the tap wizard so the timings are not standard. Can I cut off the last 2 minutes of the sequence and song inside LOR? If not anyone have a suggestion?

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Cabbage wrote:

I've decided to fade out the song and not have the sequence be as long. However I've already sequence a lot of it and I used the tap wizard so the timings are not standard. Can I cut off the last 2 minutes of the sequence and song inside LOR? If not anyone have a suggestion?

I would suggest getting Audacity and editing the audio file. (Make an extra copy first, though.)

Then, once you've edited the audio file, create a new musical sequence and use that audio file. You can copy your events and timings into the new sequence. (Look under "Edit" to copy the timing marks.)

Here's a good sheet from LOR on Audacity. http://lightorama.com/PDF/Audacity_Lame_128Kbps.pdf
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If it was me, I'd use Audacity to edit the file, and then save the new audio file. I would then go to my original sequence, and add that new audio file. Then I would go to the end of the new song, and fade my sequence accordingly. Then select the remaining sequence and delete it...I would then save the edited sequence under a new file name, so if I ever want to go back and use the longer song, it''s still in my bag-o-tricks...

Similar to Don's suggestion, but without creating a whole new sequence file.

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