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New kid on the block wants to play with animated displays...but is unsure!

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Yes, you are correct.

This is the way I did it for the most part. Since I turn on all channels at given parts in the sequences, I would add up what each channel was programed to light up making sure no channel went over 7 amps (10% rule) for each channel plus insured the max amps was within limits for both sides in the event I turned on all channels at the same time.


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So is it possible to switch all lights on at once?/All channels?

If I ran the display at a lower voltage would this lower the amps being drawn? I think im right and not going to shoot myself in the foot because ive ignored ohms law or something...

What happens if I accidently go over the limits?

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Your LOR board will erupt into a giant fireball!

Actually, that's not to far from the truth. Going over the rating means you will likely do permanent damage to your LOR, not to mention the possibility of smoke and/or real electrical fire. :shock: While there are ways to exceed the rating without damage to the boards (and LOR is down rated for some protection), you should never exceed the power rating of the boards.

It pays to do your homework, and it's not that hard to calculate how many amps are on each channel. Just plan it so each bank of 8 channels won't go over 15 amps (and each individual channel must be < 8 amps), and you'll be good to turn on all the lights at once.

Not to sound rude, but please read and understand the electrical specifications on the LOR website. I'd suggest you find a friend to help you plan the power and channel layout. Otherwise, one little "oops" may cost you a lot of money. :?

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captainkarl wrote:

okay Ive uploaded a document about 2 ropelight wire frames..please read and post if you have any ideas after reading

thanks guys, thankyou for all you help!



Just find someone who is good with 230v electrical wiring. I have no doubt it can be done, but I can't tell you how. All electrical projects are dangerous, so please have a qualified friend do this or consult an electrician. Remember, electricity can kill, so be safe out there! ;)
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