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Does anyone know if we are really going to get LOR II this year? And if we do is it very likely we will see the DMX interface as well? I have been holding off on my sequences until I get LOR II but I am getting very nervious as the time is flying away. I know the Dan and LOR had delays getting orders out especially the Save 10 orders. I am just concerned that these delays my have pulled Dan away from LOR II and that we may not see it this year.

Has anyone else heard anything?


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bbayliss wrote:

Does anyone know if we are really going to get LOR II this year? And if we do is it very likely we will see the DMX interface as well? I have been holding off on my sequences until I get LOR II but I am getting very nervious as the time is flying away. I know the Dan and LOR had delays getting orders out especially the Save 10 orders. I am just concerned that these delays my have pulled Dan away from LOR II and that we may not see it this year.

Has anyone else heard anything?


I don't know if we are or not. However, I repeat my advice to anyone who is waiting ... DON'T. Regardless of what new features that may or may not make it easier to sequence, you will learn a lot by starting now.
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We are still working on LOR II... We simply do not have a release date. It will be tight for this year and I recommend that you start sequencing with LOR I. Everything learned on LOR I will be applicable to LOR II. Also the release of DMX is not tied to LOR II. DMX support will be released before LOR II.

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Quick question on the DMX side. Will the programming be the same as regular channels in LOR? It makes sense for dimmers, relays, and other on off devices, but moving lights would be a lot more complicated to program in LOR using the current programming style. Just wondering.

Will Sanders

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Will Sanders wrote:

Quick question on the DMX side. Will the programming be the same as regular channels in LOR? It makes sense for dimmers, relays, and other on off devices, but moving lights would be a lot more complicated to program in LOR using the current programming style. Just wondering.

Will Sanders

I am assuming if you have a DMX light that consumes 6 channels, you will probably have 6 LOR channels and have to send values too... considering the complication of smart DMX channels, I would think these particular channels will be very different in application then standard dimable in house lighting. You will most likely have to send the actual value that the DMX device wants which means study and do your homework on the lights themselves and how they operate.
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Will Sanders wrote:

Quick question on the DMX side. Will the programming be the same as regular channels in LOR? It makes sense for dimmers, relays, and other on off devices, but moving lights would be a lot more complicated to program in LOR using the current programming style. Just wondering.


The DMX interface card will map LOR intensities into DMX values. Because things like fades are performed on the controller, the DMX interface card will handle the special effects such as fades and twinkle..... A LOR channel will be mapped to a DMX channel... That is, if the DMX interface card is designated to be Unit 03 then you can map 03.01 to be DMX 64, 03.02 can be DMX 80 (on the universe plugged into that card).

As you suggest, it can/will be a bit difficult to do things like control light positions with the LOR grid the way it exists today.... Future releases of software will be more DMX friendly but for now folks will have to go with the existing software.

I know that with servos we could use fades to smoothly move the servo from one side to the other at a speed set by the lenght of the fade. You may be able to get lights to move with fades but it will be tricky.
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LightORama wrote:

A LOR channel will be mapped to a DMX channel... That is, if the DMX interface card is designated to be Unit 03 then you can map 03.01 to be DMX 64, 03.02 can be DMX 80 (on the universe plugged into that card).

G'day Dan,

As the current LOR Sequence Editor can only assign a maximum of 16 channels per LOR unit, does that mean that we will be limited to a maximum of 16 DMX channels per DMX interface? If so, I am guessing that we will be able to have multiple DMX>LOR interfaces if more than 16 DMX channels are needed. In my case I need to be able to support up to 32 DMX channels.

As DMX normally operates on values between 0 and 255, how do we set it at a discreet figure, eg 129, or do we need to convert it as a percentage between 0 & 100%?

BTW, I might have discovered an undocumented feature when testing the above... In Tools Options, you can set the maximum Fade Up value to more than 100% and it will accept it, but you are limited to a max of 100% in Fade Down and Set Intensity before the warning pops up...

The rest of my sequencing (for my normal 80 LOR channels) is complete but this info will hopefully help me finalise the DMX part of the template.


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You will be able to represent 32 channelson the DMX controllers. (That may be expanded in the future via firmware upgrades).

In the Hardware Utility you will be able to map the channels on the DMX card to individual DMX addresses they do not need to be contiguous. Also you will be able to configure a channel to be special duty. That way you can map particular LOR intensities to DMX values.

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LightORama wrote:

You will be able to represent 32 channelson the DMX controllers. (That may be expanded in the future via firmware upgrades).

Thanks Dan. You da man, and that's all I need to know to allow me to continue sequencing until you release the DMX interface early next week, says he batting his eyelids and looking very hopeful :?


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