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I have been using my CTB16D in my room since i finished assembling it. I have it hooked up to my computer through a USB485 connector. About every third time i open LOR Hardware, i get a message saying that the comm port is in use (its comm7) what I have done to solve this was unplug the USB cable and close the program and plug it back in and re open the program. How can i stop this from happening?

Thank you!
Ian Ferralli

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smarts53 wrote:

I have done to solve this was unplug the USB cable and close the program and plug it back in and re open the program.


Even if you unplug the cable, shut down the computer. You still don't need to open up the hardware utility. It stores that info for the next time you hook it up. I did this very same thing all this past summer. Once I found the controllers thru hardware utility, I never had to go back again. Each night after the show, I would unplug the adapter from my laptop, shut it down and take it home with me (security reasons). The next day, I would bring the laptop back out, turn it on and plug in the USB adapter for the controllers and that's it. As long as the show is enabled, it will automatically start the show to the time you scheduled for it.

Hope that helps,

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smarts53 wrote:

I have been using my CTB16D in my room since i finished assembling it. I have it hooked up to my computer through a USB485 connector. About every third time i open LOR Hardware, i get a message saying that the comm port is in use (its comm7) what I have done to solve this was unplug the USB cable and close the program and plug it back in and re open the program. How can i stop this from happening?

Hi Ian,

I am not sure why that is happening. One thing to remember, only one of the Sequence Edit, Hardware Utility and the Show Player should be running at one time. It is obvious when Sequence Editor and Hardware Utility are running. The Show Player is running anytime that "Shows are ENABLED" on the LOR control panel.

What follows is a side bar not really related to this particular problem and not addressed to Ian for that matter.... A number of people think that the Hardware Utility is an integral part of getting LOR to work. It is not are all required when you run a show from your PC. You never need to run the Hardware Utility not even once. in that case. The Hardware Utility is there only to check the hardware and to check it if you think that there may be a problem. When you Install LOR you can set the comm port in the Sequence Editor (Edit->Preferences->Network Preferences) and you are ready to go. When you add new controllers there is no need to do anything except plug them in.

The hardware utility is required when you want to run when not connected to the PC... Both standard standalone mode and the MP3 director require the use of the Hardware utility.

EDIT: Corrections/clarifications
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LightORama wrote:

When you add new controllers there is no need to do anything except plug them in.

:shock:!!! Well, I guess I learn something new everyday. I thought that if you add a controller that you had to find it in the hardware utility.

Ian, sorry for putting out incorrect info. Dan is the man.

Thanks Dan.

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Santas Helper wrote:

LightORama wrote:
When you add new controllers there is no need to do anything except plug them in.
:shock:!!! Well, I guess I learn something new everyday. I thought that if you add a controller that you had to find it in the hardware utility. Ian, sorry for putting out incorrect info. Dan is the man.

Thanks Dan.

Tom, you and 100s of others do have/have had the impression that he Hardware Utility is required. I guess it just makes so much sense that people jump to the conclusion.
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LightORama wrote:

I guess it just makes so much sense that people jump to the conclusion.

Yes Dan, and yet, I've learned another lesson in the ongoing LOR ways of life :].

It's just another reason that I need to be sure I know what the heck I'm talking about before trying to assist others :].

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Well for the MP3 which I have, the Hardware Utility is used to program the supplied SD card throught it's USB interface, then you slide the SD card into the MP3 unit. There is a newer version of the HArdware Utility, and it has an exra tab for MP3 player programming.

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shawn wrote:

If the hardware utility is not needed then how do you set up a standalone sequence or use the mp3 unit? Is there something I am missing?


I correct my original post. I meant to say for regular PC directed shows the Hardware Utility is not required.
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jeffostroff wrote:

Well for the MP3 which I have, the Hardware Utility is used to program the supplied SD card throught it's USB interface, then you slide the SD card into the MP3 unit. There is a newer version of the HArdware Utility, and it has an exra tab for MP3 player programming.

I corrected my original post. It meant to say that the Hardware Utility was not required for standard PC directed shows.
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(I thought I had posted this earlier today, but I don't see it...)

Just for the sake of completeness -- the Hardware Utility is needed for CTB-08 controllers to set their unit ID before using the sequence editor, etc. For other controllers, you set the unit ID on the hardware itself, so you can avoid the hardware utility usually...


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tfischer wrote:

Just for the sake of completeness -- the Hardware Utility is needed for CTB-08 controllers to set their unit ID before using the sequence editor, etc. For other controllers, you set the unit ID on the hardware itself, so you can avoid the hardware utility usually...

Thanks everyone.... Seems like I was a bit off track when I said that the Hardware Utility was not necessary. My mind was focused on the current issue at hand and I simply wasn't thinking of all the stuff that it has to be used for.

One other thing that you need if for is to set channels on your ELLs... Usually you can just use the default channel (16) for the ELLs. But if your neighbor is using ELLs or you want to setup relays to extend the range then you need to change the channels.
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LightORama wrote:

One other thing that you need if for is to set channels on your ELLs... Usually you can just use the default channel (16) for the ELLs. But if your neighbor is using ELLs or you want to setup relays to extend the range then you need to change the channels.

Hi Don,

Seems I saw a previous post of yours that said there was a recent upgrade to the hardware utility. I believe you said it was more ELL friendly. I just did some testing last night and found I have the "older" version of the hardware utility. I was able to get everything working, however there were some issues with automatically configuring the comm port while using the ELL. I was able to work around it, but am curious, is the newer version available for download somewhere? Thank you sir!

Blue Skies,

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cgenheimer wrote:

Hi Don,

Seems I saw a previous post of yours that said there was a recent upgrade to the hardware utility. I believe you said it was more ELL friendly. I just did some testing last night and found I have the "older" version of the hardware utility. I was able to get everything working, however there were some issues with automatically configuring the comm port while using the ELL. I was able to work around it, but am curious, is the newer version available for download somewhere?
I just checked and the new version was not posted:(... I will make sure that the new version is posted shortly.
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OK......and a thousand apologies I dunno why I typed "Don" "stupid is as stupid duz" :(.

One clarification question if I may. Will that be posted on PC or on the LOR site in the support area or elseware?.....remember, yur deelin with de stupit one here.


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cgenheimer wrote:

OK......and a thousand apologies I dunno why I typed "Don"

I noticed that! :( If that is the worst thing that I get called then I am in good shape.

The hardware utility will be posted on the LOR support page.
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LightORama wrote:

cgenheimer wrote:
OK......and a thousand apologies I dunno why I typed "Don"

I noticed that! :) If that is the worst thing that I get called then I am in good shape.

The hardware utility will be posted on the LOR support page.

I'm sure it's just a slip ... innocent even. But I've gotten people asking me questions that you could tell they meant for Dan. (Even a few via PM.)
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