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hi bob, i downloaded gimp and was able to figure out how to get a pic to work on, would like to know what size do i scale down to inches or pixels? also how do i save it . to my pics so i can then use it as background thanks for the help chris

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Scale it down using pixels rather than inches, and select a number of pixels that's less than the display resolution of your screen.

You can determine the display resolution of your screen by right-clicking somewhere on your desktop, selecting "Properties" from the popup menu, clicking the "Settings" tab, and looking at the "Screen resolution" setting.

Save your changes (to a new filename so that you still have the unmodified original) by clicking Gimp's "File" menu and selecting "Save As" from it, and choosing a new filename.

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  • 5 weeks later...

I know im replying tho this almost a mont later.... but....

I love gimp its a good program, and supprisingly myself after using photoshop for years, gimp is a very strong image editing program. But I find simple resising of images can be a pain. I use easy thumbnails, a program way back from the dial up days when every web developer was trying to reduce the sixe of every jpg as much as possible.

Anyway its an extremly easy program to use, and its perfect if all you want to do is resize.



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