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Does superstar have the ability to scale yet?


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I have a 12 string pixel tree. I am looking at making this tree a 24 string or even a 32 string tree next year. Does superstar have the ability to scale sequences so that a 12 ccr sequence can be scaled to fit a 24 ccr tree or a 32 ccr tree? Thanks in advance,


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In the most recent release (v4.3.24) you can scale a sequence. In your case you would do it as follows:

1) launch superstar

2) open the 12 CCR sequence, click on the Tools menu, select Layout and change the number of ribbons to 24

3) use "save as" to save it to a new name such as "WizardsInWinter_scaledTo24CCRs.sup"

4) click on the Edit menu and select "select all"

5) click on the Tools menu and select "Move or Scale Selected Effects"

6) In the "Move or Scale Selected Effects" dialog box select "Scale"

    In your case you would set the settings as follows:

    source width=12      dest width=24

    source height=50     dest height=50

click on Ok

7) Try playing it to the screen

The morphs should look good because the endpoints of the morphs get scaled and then applied to the 24 ribbons

The scenes and images may look a bit blocky because they had to be stretched by doubling up pixels

The text will use the same font size. In most cases this works fine, but you may want to go through the text actions and increase the font size manually

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