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Arche/ mega tree


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Alright so I'm trying to create a visualization in the visualizer to use in superstar but im not sure how to set the pixel number/ universe number in the arche or mega tree wizard. I was able to do if for a pixel string but not when using one of the wizards. Also im planning on making a mega tree with 6 strings but want to make 12 legs, so every two legs would be made out of one string. how do I input this information into the visualizer.

Thank you in advance for any help

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In the mega tree wizard if you want two legs for each string choose "CCR Edge to Center/Center to Edge" or "CCR Center to Edge/Edge to Center." And remember that in the visualizer you can treat CCPs and CCBs as CCRs.


As for the arch wizard, after you have added all your arches to a Prop, you can use the channel wizard to assign the starting pixel, and unit ID of each arch. To get to the channel wizard bring up the Prop Properties dialog box, click on the "Wizards" tab at the top, then click on "Run Channel Wizard"


If I didn't answer all your questions feel free to post again.

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I do have one more question. Last year I did a sequence in the sequence editor and I want to import the timings but not the timing marks. I more or less want to import every time a channel was turned on or off. Is there a way to do that.

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Yes. Click on the File menu and select "Import Timings." You can import one timing grid and up to 3 channels. The channels show up as lines just below the time ruler.

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