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Export from SS ... filtering unused channels?


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I'm running SS 3.12.2 Advanced (40 CCR License)

I'm never had this issue before...

Opened SS, imported a viz I have been using of my porch.

I create a red scene across all the elements for say 2 secs.

I save the seq, then export.

When I open the exported file, all I am getting is the red component of the RGB.

That is to say I get channel 1,4,7,10 13 etc ...

The green and blue channels are not there..

If I go back and add green scene and export, I get Red and Green channels... no blue..

Finally, if I create a blue scene then all the channels are there....

I have used this same viz for 2 other sequences so far but I've not isolated color like I'm doing now...

This is the sequence for my "Photo OP" so its basically just a lights on (static) set of events.

Any ideas?


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superstar used to export all the channels in a controller even if they weren't used. I had people complain that they only wanted the ones that are in the visualization so I changed the code to do that.


But it's not supposed to be doing what you are describing. Can you email your visualization to brian@superstarlights and I will take a look at it.


Until I get it fixed, the work around would be to do a scene with 10 percent blue on the entire visualization at the beginning or end.


But this does surprise me because I know that in the typical case all the channels get exported even if the sequence is blank.

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I got the visualization file, .sup file and exported .lms file that you emailed to me. I see the problem in the exported .lms file but I cannot recreate it. It looks like it was a bug in 3.12.2 and it is now fixed.


I have recorded that I fixed a bug in 4.0.38 that I described as:

Fixed a bug where some DMX visualizations would not export all of the pixels.

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