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What do I want and what do I need?


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Hello all,


While planning out how to spend my fun-dage I wanted to make sure I cover what I need.  Right now I have a budget of about $800 for controllers, software and more lights.


If the sale goes like last year's I am looking at about $600 for two controllers and the Advance S3 Suite.  This year RGB is not in the budget so I am not sure whether Superstar is nessasary.  It talks about the Auto Sequence but I'm a bit (ok more than a bit) confused if that is meant to be used standard LED and incandescents or just RGBs?


I am looking for all the help I can get on music as I have little to no musical ability.




Edited by Drac
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Superstar was a nice add on for me this year, I got the 2ccr package to sequence my ccp arches and I love the program and the things it does. Is it needed? No.. Honestly I haven't seen a decent sequence out of the auto sequence yet. Your better off borrowing other peoples free sequences and making them work for you. I did that for my first 2 years. I have no musical ability myself and learned the software quickly, but feeling how the music should move is still a work in progress.

If you haven't watched or seen the tutorials made by john Storms I would recommend making about 2 hours to sit down and watch them. You can find them at "Listentoourlights" on YouTube. They are numbered 1 thru 4 about 30 min each.Extremely helpful. I watched them this past year in my 4th year and learned a lot.

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The most help you can get with music is from the Beat Wizard. Be sure to order a software level which includes that. I have even less musical ability than you, and without the BW I'd never have had a show the first year, or any year after.

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Superstar is a nice add on but if your not running pixels yet maybe wait until next year to purchase it. You could buy a few pre made sequences as that helps in seeing how a pro sequences a song. It also comes with some advice on show layout. It's a cheap option so you could spend more on lights and a controller.

Beat wizard is good for some songs that have a constant timings. There is also the VU Wizard and the Tapper Wizard to play with. LOR has a few Video Tutorials that are worthy of a viewing to help with the sequencing. For someone starting out in sequencing, I would also recommend watching

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