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Export Superstar sequence to LOR Sequence Editor


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I just updated to version 3.10.6 last night and am trying to export my SS sequence into LOR sequence editor using the "export" command under the File tab in SS.  Everytime I try this an error occurs and shuts down SS.  Any reason as to why this is happening??  I checked the forums and didn't see this type of a question so I am sorry if this is a repeat question from the past.  Thanks for your help!



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I'm not sure if it is in the forums anywhere, but there is a known problem where export of large sequences in some cases will crash SuperStar. I have a fix for it and it will be in the next release. If you could email your SuperStar .sup file to me at brian@superstarlights.com  I can confirm that my new code fixes the problem.


The SuperStar sequence file will end with .sup and will be at:


c:\ <your lightorama folder> \ SuperStar \ Sequences

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    I'm having the same problem.  After upgrading to LOR S3 10.6 (which looks to have Superstar version, I could not export 6 of the 8 sequences I had created with the previous version (don't remember what it was).

I found a link to a 10.7 version of SuperStar, and that allowed me to export 7 of the 8 sequences.  Still having problems with 1.

Also, I don't think I should be using the 10.7, since each time I bring up a SuperStar sequence, it appends '_vis' to the sequence name. 

Any suggestions on how to export these using the correct version of SuperStar?




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Please email me the sequence that is not exporting. email it to brian@superstarlights.com  The file will end with .sup and will be at:


c:\ <your lightorama folder> \ SuperStar \ Sequences


As for appending '_vis' to the file name, the program does to indicate that the sequence is one that was done to a visualization. You can edit then name to not have the _vis on it if you want.

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