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old seq loaded into ss to add ccr and more channels?

dan martens

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is there a way to load old seq into ss to add ccr and channels? second year newbie?



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Yes. Load the .sup file, import your new visualization, and sequence away. Just remember to save it as something else.

I go through each song 5 times. I create my Pixtree sequence first, save it, load a different visualization, modify, delete or let stand the effects that were created for the Pixtree.

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remember when you do your visualizer you are limited on channel in sse  I found out the hard way after sequencing a whole song and then couldn't transfer it to the sequence editor  I had to redo my visualization then when I transferred it to sse the lights were all over the place I think sse is limited to 3600 channels on 24 ccr license  so you can do a little at a time and put it into your sequence as a subsequence I figured that out after I READ THE DIRECTIONS  LOL but all is good now just more work  hopefully lor will up the channels in both editors so I can see my whole display at one time on screen  hello LOR are you listening LOL

Edited by john fulkerson
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ok the files are a lms file and i cant find them when in superstar. i am very new at all this

thanks for any help

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Oh! :(  I thought you were speaking of a .sup file. That, I'm afraid, is not able to happen in Superstar. I think I read where Brian might look into that, taking a .lms file and loading it into Superstar, but I don't know if it will happen. If you don't have the original .sup file, then you'll either have to re-sequence in Superstar with your new Visualization or sequence it in the Showtime Sequence editor. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news my friend. 


Wish I could be of more help. 

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