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Open 2 sequences in 2 screens


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Is there a way to open 2 different sequences so I can put one on one screen and another on my 2nd computer screen?
Currently when I open 2 sequences it just opens up 2 different tabs on the 1 program. I guess I need to have 2 programs running at the same time.
Is this possible?

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Right below the Minimize/Maximize/Close buttons in the SE, you will find another set just below it. Those are for the individual sequences. Unmaximize the sequences, stretch your SE over two monitors, and move about as needed.

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not really what I was looking for. Can you have 2 separate LOR programs running in windows? Not just 2 sequences running in the LOR program.

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By "2 separate LOR programs", do you mean, for example, "Can I run the Sequence Editor and the Show Editor at the same time"? If so, yes, you can, but only one of the following three can control the lights at any given time:

(1) The Sequence Editor;

(2) The Show Player;

(3) The Hardware Utility.

On the other hand, do you mean "Can I run two separate copies of the Sequence Editor simultaneously"? If so, then no, you can't, but I'm not sure I understand why you would want to, so could you please explain what you hope to accomplish by this that you can't accomplish by opening two separate sequences within a single copy of the Sequence Editor? Thanks.

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I have a sample sequence (file) with all my robin wheel patterns saved. When I go to program a song I want that file open (and easily visible) so I can copy and paste easily with both sequences in full view. Having them layered on top of each other is just cumbersome for me.

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MikeA wrote:

I have a sample sequence (file) with all my robin wheel patterns saved. When I go to program a song I want that file open (and easily visible) so I can copy and paste easily with both sequences in full view. Having them layered on top of each other is just cumbersome for me.

Have you tried what I typed above? The sequences do not have to be maximized on your SE. When they are not maximized, you can move them around to where you need it.

If you were to then stretch the SE over two monitors, it would be that much more space you would have to move the sequences around.
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Don wrote:

MikeA wrote:
I have a sample sequence (file) with all my robin wheel patterns saved. When I go to program a song I want that file open (and easily visible) so I can copy and paste easily with both sequences in full view. Having them layered on top of each other is just cumbersome for me.

Have you tried what I typed above? The sequences do not have to be maximized on your SE. When they are not maximized, you can move them around to where you need it.

If you were to then stretch the SE over two monitors, it would be that much more space you would have to move the sequences around.

I think he needs a picture. Here is what my monitors look like.

Attached files 277676=15390-screenshot.jpg
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Maybe I am not understanding something, but why can't you open the Sequence Editor, Open 2 sequences, stretch the SE across both screens, then use the Window Horizontally or Vertically? This will put all open sequences, into the SE and viewable. I do this all the time for updating sequences year to year, then copy & Paste.

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zman wrote:

Maybe I am not understanding something, but why can't you open the Sequence Editor, Open 2 sequences, stretch the SE across both screens, then use the Window Horizontally or Vertically? This will put all open sequences, into the SE and viewable. I do this all the time for updating sequences year to year, then copy & Paste.

That is what my picture shows!
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