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Configuration with no CCRs


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So I wanted to play around with SuperStar without any CCRs.

First I imported my visualization file.
Then I loaded up my audio file.
Went to Autosequence.
But I'm only seeing sequencing on some of my channels, not all?

Any hints.

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I read over the referred thread and what I'm seeing is a bit different.

I load my visualization into SSE, but when I do the instant sequencing only some of the fixtures of my display are used. I went into configuration settings and tried to represent my 6 CTB16-PC controllers the best I could.

In the other thread it seems the user had problems when exporting the sequence.

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Okay I figured out my problem. I was going through it again to better document my steps.

1. Start SSE
2. Import Visualizations - sorted by CCDevice, Props, Fixtures, Select my visualization file
3. Ctrl+I, Open Audio File, Roll Dice, Sequence All, Play/Stop All

What I did wrong the first time is that when I imported my Visualization I did not select "sorted by CCDeivce, Props, Fixtures". When I did this all the fixtures were used when I played the sequence from the Instant Sequence dialog.

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I still think they might be somewhat related. I have also done other tests loading 7 controllers. I experienced the problem you had as well. Have you exported your sequence to LOR and if so do you see all of your channels sequenced or just a few?

If you use RGB channels or CCR's everything sequences as it should. It is just when trying to use standard light strings where I am experiencing the problems.

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When I import my visualization into Superstar I get a bunch of extra lines. I have several lights spread out but part of one fixture, in Superstar there are connecting lines that join each on the lights in that fixture. For my display, the auto sequencer is not even close to what I like. Then when I save the sequence and open it up in S3 all my channels are labeled weird and extra channels.

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I would be very interested to see a successful export of an instant sequence without an RGB or CCR fixture in it. If anyone has done it, could they please post it here so we can see what it looks like. It doesn't have to be anything elaborate.


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Spent a couple hours this weekend playing with SuperStar's autosequencer. I don't have any RGB lights (yet) and was told SuperStar would autosequence regular lights. So we gave it a try, and you can autosequence a song in just a few minutes.

Video of process of auto-sequencing a song:

The finished product:
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Phew, thought I was doing something wrong! Having the same behavior. I have 4 RGB Rainbow floods, specifically created a visualization file just with the floods, ran the auto sequence, looks great within SuperStar, but when I export it out it never exports the first channel (i.e. 06.01) everything else exports fine.

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jstorms wrote:

Spent a couple hours this weekend playing with SuperStar's autosequencer. I don't have any RGB lights (yet) and was told SuperStar would autosequence regular lights. So we gave it a try, and you can autosequence a song in just a few minutes.

Video of process of auto-sequencing a song:

The finished product:

Very professional job of creating the videos! Thank you for posting them.

It looks like you got it to work, but it should have worked when 'Sorted by Rows' also. I have found some problems in the export and am currently testing my fixes. Can you email me your visualization file to brian@superstarlights.com and I want to make sure my current code works with your visualization when using 'Sorted by Rows'
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