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Mega Tree


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I built a Four Color (R/G/B/W) 16 Bundle tree. I put Bundle one as channel 1 with four colors etc. This give me a 64 channel tree. Bundle one is in the 12' o clock position and bundle 2 is to the right of it ( so it is spinning clockwise) when running 1 thru 16. After I got it all assigned and tested it. It is running as Channel 1 at the 6 o'clock position and channel 2 to the right so it is spinning counter clockwise.Also only 1- 6 are working. I checked all channel assignment to each bundle and everything looks ok. If you are on the fixture tab and click bundle 1 thru 16 they are orientated correctly. But when running it is is backwards and not all 16 bundles are working. Any Ideas. It has to be something stupid I did.
Thanks In advance
Don C.

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I had the same issue but just with 16 channels. I had to manually put the bundles the way I wanted them,for example I moved bundle 1 to the bundle 8 postion. you will have to trce the path of your tree to make sure you swap the right numbers

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DevMike I sent my Sequence editor file and my Visualizer file.
Thanks Don C.

James I tried that already and it didn't help. I even deleted the whole tree and started over same issue.
Thanks although Don C.

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did you try running a sequence, my tree said the bundles where in the sam position but when I played the song the tree was right

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Hey Don....

I see the problem. The Visualizer has an internal limit of being able to simulate 255 Virtual channels (What's a virtual channel? See this: http://www.lightorama.com/downloads/3.0.0/help/virtual_channels.htm )

To fix your problem, assign actual Devices/Units/Circuits to both the channels in the sequence editor, and the fixtures in the vis.

I'll add something to the doc about there only being 255 virtual channels, and add an error message to the vis if that is exceeded.

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Ok I put unit numbers and channels numbers on the tree. It still runs counter clockwise no matter what i do. i what bundle one in the one o'clock position and run clockwise, I can get it to do it.

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Maybe I'm missing something about virtual channels, but I'm pretty sure I'm not breaking the 255 limit. Every fixture in the visualizer is assigned a controller, channel, circuit number.

No matter what I do, all trees created with the tree wizard will rotate in the same direction. I created two trees with 4 legs. One i checked the "Counter-Clockwise" box, the other i did not. I assigned the same channels to the tree (using the channel wizard).
When i play the sequence both trees behave identically no matter what i select in the "counter clockwise" box.

Am i doing something wrong or does the counter clockwise checkbox not work? I notice that when creating the second tree, it saves all settings from previously created.. with the exception of the state of that checkbox.

attached are the exported props.

Attached files Trees.zip

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Wiring channels in the Visualizer is the same concept as wiring them in your display. The checkbox that appears in the wizard only controls the direction the fixtures are created.

If the channel wizard is not correctly assigning channels, you'll have to manually assign them.

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