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Some Channels On When Show Is Off


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I have had this issue last Christmas and now this halloween. When the show is not running, a channel or sometimes channels will come on and stay on. Once the show starts, it seems to run fine it is just annoying when no lights should be on and there are. I am using Vista running the latest S2 version of the software. I also use telephone cord between all controllers except two in which I use cat5 cable. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Is it possible the show comes to an end after running a sequence that has a value for these channel(s)? I had this issue last year before I discovered the Shutdown tab.

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Tonight when I came home, three channels were on all from controller 2, channels 5, 6, and 7. I am pretty sure that last afternoon all of the channels that were on were also from controller 2.

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I had intermittent issues like that when I first starting using controllers a number of years back, usually after rain/snow that melted. I solved the issues with 2 fixes:

1) I plugged the ends of my 110 volt light strings that were open (that had a female receptacle on the end of the string) using child proof safety caps.

2) I terminated the last controller in line with a 120 ohm resistor, which I plugged into the ct 5 jack on my controller (pins 4 and 5 if I recall correctly).

I re-did those 2 years ago, using Steve's method of a smaller 1/8 watt resistor that can be slipped into the CT 5 cable, replacing the larger 1/4 watt ones that I had used previously

That took care of all the "phantom issues". Have had none since.

There is also the possibility that you may have an issue with your controller itself (triac problem), but I would go with the easier solutions first (safety caps, and then terminating resistors if still having issues).

Good luck, and let us know how you make out!


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