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Dumb Schedule Editor Question

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I assembled 2 lor boards into ritetime containers, wired up everything, set out my lights, connected everything together, tested it and it all worked great. Made up my first sequence and it played and replayed correctly within the sequence editor). (really impressive). Now the problem: I set up a show, then went to the schedule editor and set up a simple show. I set the time and dates, but it doesn't activate when the time rolls around. I set it up for 5 minutes ahead, and when the time came nothing happened. Should I close each program before starting the next one, eg, do a sequence, save it shut sequence editor down, then open show editor, create shows then shut it down the onto schedule editor, then save and close it and wait for the timer to kick in? The "status" always shows "disabled" should I be "enabling" something or should the program "enable" automatically when the schedule kicks in? I did a search and checked out the FAQ's and didn't come up with an answer, but I tried.....

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That was it. As I hit the send key, I then went to the lor pop up screen and noticed "enable" gee I wonder if that could have anything to do with "disable" ? Like I said in the header :"DUMB" question.

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Newbie here. Just got my 16-channel box last week.

I'm having a similar problem, but my control panel is enabled. I set everything up and ran in standalone mode for a few days with no issues. Created a musical sequence, assigned all channels, and can play, with working lights from the sequence editor.

I created a simple show using only the musical sequence and saved it. Scheduled the show from 5:00 PM to 11:45PM every day of the week and saved the schedule.

Went to the control panel and enabled shows. When I view the status, it says it's playing my show. But I see no lights and hear no music coming from my pc.

I've tried on both an old NT 4.0 machine with a P100 (I know ... probably too old but it's a spare) Then I tried with a fairly new laptop and a USB connection. The hardware program recognizes the controller on both.

I'm at a loss.

Thank you!

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Jamesb wrote:

I set everything up and ran in standalone mode for a few days with no issues. Created a musical sequence...

I may be wrong, but I seem to remember a reset might be needed after running in standalone mode...? Am I right, guys?

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Jamesb wrote:

Went to the control panel and enabled shows. When I view the status, it says it's playing my show. But I see no lights and hear no music coming from my pc.

I've tried on both an old NT 4.0 machine with a P100 (I know ... probably too old but it's a spare) Then I tried with a fairly new laptop and a USB connection. The hardware program recognizes the controller on both.


When you said that it worked in the Sequence Editor, was that on the same machine as the one you are using to play the show? If not make sure that it plays on that machine using the Sequence Editor. (will have to disable shows when using the sequence editor).
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Not sure if this applies but I edit the shows on one PC and run them on another. Even though I keep the music and sequences in the same folders on both machines I have to open the sequence and re select the audio file on the machine that runs the shows.

Did you try to play the show with the sequence editor on the machine that is running the show? See if it works there. Mine would ask for the path to the MP3. I just browsed to the MP3 and re-saved the sequence. Doesn't make any sense but I can duplicate it every time. Also make sure that machine has the network configured. If it plays the file with the sequence editor I think it is configured correctly.

Hope that helps.


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Well ... I got it working. Thank you everyone!

I reset the controller, moved files into default directories instead of the one's I had created, rebooted the pc, and it just started working. I would guess that the reset provided the solution.

The sequences were cleared, and it was the sequence editor on the "show" machine that I was able to play from. I just couldn't get a show to run for anything.

Thanks again. It's great to have this thing running on it's own.

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