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HandleEvent Error: Subscript out of range

T34 Flyer

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I was testing Show Scheduler tonight and when I enabled the show I get “HandleEvent Error: Subscript out of range”.

Anyone know what I need to do?

Also, control lights will not stay checked in Sequence Editor. I checked for good registration activation and it looks good.

Thanks Brad.

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What version of software are you using? What operating system? Does the "HandleEvent error" happen consistently, or did it happen once and it's been good from there on out, or somewhere in between?

Regarding "control lights": Is it possible that you have more than one of the following running at the same time? The Sequence Editor, the Hardware Utility, and the Show Player. Only one of them can control lights at any given time.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I am using LOR Ver 2.8.10 with Windows XP same as last your.
This is happening every time and with several sequences. Show Controller is all that is loaded and the file is .lms.

Thanks for your help.


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Also, LOR verifier gives me error message 22. “error reading show file” for both sequences I have created.


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T34 Flyer wrote:

I am using LOR Ver 2.8.10 with Windows XP same as last your.

Assuming you should have written "same as last year", do you mean version 2.4.10? as version 2.8.10 was released round August this year.


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Does the "HandleEvent error" happen consistently, or did it happen once and it's been good from there on out, or somewhere in between?

If you manually check "Control Lights", are you able to control your lights?

What happens if you try to open up one of the shows in the Show Editor?

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It happens consistently. Watching the control panel, you see the “HandleEvent Error: Subscript out of range” message reoccurring every 2 seconds.

Manually checking control lights does work the lights.

Using Shoe Editor to run show worked fine.



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I have noticed that the USB-RS485 does not get identified by the computer all the time. Could this be related?

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It could definitely be related to the "control lights" problem - the Sequence Editor will turn off Control Lights if there is some sort of comm issue, for example if the comm port that's supposed to be used can't be found.

It's possible that it might be related to the "handle event" problem, but I'm not really sure at this point.

Does the "handle event" message occur regardless of whether a show is currently playing or not? Or does it only happen when a show is playing? If the latter, is it always happening, or when a particular sequence is playing, or something else?

Does the show seem to play fine (from the point of view of your lights flashing and your music playing and such)?

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T34 Flyer wrote:

I have noticed that the USB-RS485 does not get identified by the computer all the time. Could this be related?

It could possibly be related.... I believe that you have a USB485B and that you have a USB cable with ferrite filters.

Is the problem that when you plug the USB adapter into the PC, sometimes there is no USB BONG and it is as if you didn't plug anything in OR does the device sometimes disappear once it is plugged in?

From your description it sounds like the USB connection is erratic... I think updating the USB drivers is step one and then if that does not work we will look at replacing the USB485B to see if that is the problem. Please open a trouble ticket and mention this post: http://lightorama.com/support/

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Nostradamus Dan; ) you are correct on my equipment list.

After testing the cable with a cable tester and updating my USB drivers we have some success. The original message “HandleEvent Error: Subscript out of range” is gone. Now I get “can not read show file” in control panel. It is recurring every 2 seconds. The file extension is .las and lights are controlled well when playing in sequence editor.

Thanks again


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".las" is the extension of an animation sequence, not a show file. Did a sequence file somehow get scheduled directly? If so, do you know how it happened?

In any case, I would suggest using the Show Editor to make a show file, and then scheduling that show file.

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Is .lms an expectable file? When loading I need to switch from search show files to search all files and we are now getting. “HandleEvent Error: Subscript out of range”.

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I resolved this problem. I followed through with the Show Editor suggestion. Thank you for all your help.


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