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Any advice on a wow object?


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Greetings Everyone!

So, I currently have 1 Intimidator 1.0 (with the iDMX-1000). I was thinking about purchasing another Intimidator. Then I thought about a snow machine, but I don't think the snow would come out far enough for the audience to get a good look at it. I'm not exactly sure what I should do, another Intimidator, or some other cool effect.
Do you have any advice on something cool I could add to my Christmas show that would really have a "wow" factor, yet is still reasonable in price?

Thank you!

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You could move up north where snow comes naturaly!

Sorry couldn't resist.

(you can laugh at me when it come to tear down in -30)

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Haha strippers would be interesting.. but not kid friendly. :)

Yea here where I live snow only comes once every 12 years.
I had a projector in the past, but it broke. I would kinda like something different. I've been thinking about lights to change the wall colors. That might be cool. Suggestions?

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jjdurrant wrote:

I am using the rainbow floods this year as a wall wash.. four of them. I wouldn't call it a wow factor.. but I am happy with them.

Can you please explain how they work? Is it iDMX? And what is the average cost for 1?
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Austen wrote:

jjdurrant wrote:
I am using the rainbow floods this year as a wall wash.. four of them. I wouldn't call it a wow factor.. but I am happy with them.

Can you please explain how they work? Is it iDMX? And what is the average cost for 1?

This is one of the most comprehensive of several threads related to Rainbow Floods..

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Austen wrote:

Greetings Everyone!

So, I currently have 1 Intimidator 1.0 (with the iDMX-1000). I was thinking about purchasing another Intimidator. Then I thought about a snow machine, but I don't think the snow would come out far enough for the audience to get a good look at it. I'm not exactly sure what I should do, another Intimidator, or some other cool effect.
Do you have any advice on something cool I could add to my Christmas show that would really have a "wow" factor, yet is still reasonable in price?

Thank you!

My vote is for a Martin Atomic Strobe... 3000 watts of lighting fun!

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DownTown wrote:

Austen wrote:
Greetings Everyone!

So, I currently have 1 Intimidator 1.0 (with the iDMX-1000). I was thinking about purchasing another Intimidator. Then I thought about a snow machine, but I don't think the snow would come out far enough for the audience to get a good look at it. I'm not exactly sure what I should do, another Intimidator, or some other cool effect.
Do you have any advice on something cool I could add to my Christmas show that would really have a "wow" factor, yet is still reasonable in price?

Thank you!

My vote is for a Martin Atomic Strobe... 3000 watts of lighting fun!


Those look like fun! haha
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OK, so I'm gonna go with the strobes.

If I put, say 5 strobes on one channel, and I turn that channel on, will the strobes all be synchronized? Or will they all flash at random times, giving that "shimmering effect"?

Should I buy a couple strobes with 1 flash per second, and a few more with 3-4 flashes per second?

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