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Different file types?


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Can anyone please take the time to explain the differences of each of these types of files (las, lms, lss, lcc, bak, or anything else used in LOR) and what they are used for or tell me where I can go to find the explanation? These are some of the different files I have seen and I am not sure what each type does within LOR.

Thank you very much,

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Rob, check out the help, demos, and information on the following link. All of that stuff is explained. It will be worth your time to read many of those topics as it will save you much time in the future.


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Richard, thanks. I am hoping I can pull in the biggest marlin ever because this drives me nuts every year.

I am trying to open my sequence editor so I can find out which lights go to which channel. My show only has three songs, no animation lighting, or closing sequences. Just three songs that repeat all night long. All I can find is a file that I assume is my show that I created last year that is a file type of (lss). I also have my three songs that have a file type of (lms). The sequence editor wont allow me to open these. I believe I am supposed to have files of (las) to be able to view in the sequence editor. Am I one the right track?

Richard, if you could suggest a good bait to use I would be more than happy to continue fishing for my Marlin.

Thanks for the help,

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Yo Rob,

For a quick answer...
LAS = LOR Animation Sequence ( a sequence with no music)

LMS= LOR Music Sequence (sequence with music. This is what is typically used)

LSS= LOR Show (Created with the show editor and contains your LAS and/or LAS sequences.)

LCC= LOR Channel Configuration (contains channel information that you saved)

LAS and LMS files are opened with the sequence editor. LSS files are opened with the Show Editor.

BAK= a backup file (automatically created by LOR) of a sequence before it was edited.

Download and work with the latest LOR software to ensure you can load the sequences. Hopefully, they are not corrupt by some reason. Otherwise you should be able to open them.

Send me some fish. I'm hungry.:)

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Richard, again, thanks for the replying.

Ok, I think I am understanding the file directory so far. Now my issue is I have three LMS files that I am trying to open in the sequence editor and it tells me there is an error opening the file.

I uninstalled my old LOR software and then reinstalled the original software when I purchased the equipment, version 1.6.9. So if I understand you correctly I may have at some point downloaded an upgraded version of the software and because I uninstalled that upgrade I probably can no longer view my LMS files in the editor?

Also, I placed my LSS in the the schedule editor and I am not getting any response with my lights even after I saved the schedule.


P.S. I do have control of my lights through the hardware utility.

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If you created your sequences under 2.0 or later, your 1.6.9 will not open them.

Do you recall what version you used to create?

You should definitely update your software to the latest version. Be aware that there is a new licensing scheme in place and in order to retrieve your license (quickly), you will need to use the same email address when you purchased the software.

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Thank you Dave. I am not sure but I have a feeling that I used 2.0 or a similar version. So I have my homework cut out for me.

32 channels solid color. Not so nice. Oh well, thats what I get for procrastinating!!

Thanks again,

You rescue and I put them in the greybar hotel.

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