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Problem booting software I think


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It seems like anything I try to open I am getting the same error message,

"The feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable.

Click OK to try again, or enter an alternate path to a folder containing the installation package 'Light-O-Rama msi' in the box below."

It gives me the option to browse as well and I am not sure where to browse or if I need to.

Let me give you a little history. This is the third year using LOR. I have two LOR1602. Everything is powered and both boxes have blinking red lights inside. If I click on enough buttons in attempt to clear the error message I get lucky and I active "enable shows" and the red lights turn solid. However, that doesn't last long, only seconds before everything goes back to disabled shows and blinking red lights.

I did not change anything from last year. I thought I would be able to plug and play this year and obviously thats not happening.

I am offering to make the long distance call to anyone that is willing to spend sometime with me one on one to assist me. If not I have access to two computers so I can read posts and work at the same time. I would like to think it is a simple fix, but apparently I am not simple. :-)

My quote for most things seems to be, "It can never be easy!"
Thank you for reading my post.

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Do you have LOR installed on both your computers, and if so do they both give the same error message?

Assuming you have LOR on only 1 computer, it sounds like you have a corrupt file. I would try removing the software (I assume you have good backup files), and then reinstalling. I don't know if LOR has the option to "repair" when you go to remove it, if it does try that first.

good luck


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Bruce, thanks for the post. My next step was to remove my software and reinstall. But I was afraid I might lose something.

I might have another issue dealing with the same thing that I didnt think about before.

Bob and Bruce, I originally had installed LOR 1.6.9. A few weeks ago I downloaded the upgrade from LOR, 2.something. I don't know if that automatically takes over the old software and if so could that be an issue that I am having?

But in the meantime I am going to do what Bob said first and wait for a response on this post.

Thanks again for the help,

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