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How to edit/change d/l'd encrypted sequences..

TJ Hvasta

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Hi all,

First, I would like to thank all those that have supplied free sequences for us noobs.. They give us the chance to join the ranks of those we've dropped our jaws to :) and learn how to create our own..

I have a couple sequences I d/l'd from several sites (lorsequences.com, etc) that I would like to use, but want to mod them for my layout. I can add channels but can not copy/paste anything into them. Says "encrypted, must move/use original computer.." I can create events in them, but cant copy anything in it... is there any other way around this? Some of these are really nice, and I can sorta use them as-is, just without the rest of my lights :D

Thanks, TJ

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You should be able to paste into them. What you can't do is paste from them - i.e. copy data from them and then paste it.

The only way around it is to ask the person who you got them from for an unencrypted copy.

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I would like those sequences as I never came across anything like that yet. Could you provide a links to the place you found them, I would like to monkey around with them.

Instead of using the keyboard try the old method of cutting and pasting (mouse) and see what happens. Perhaps nothing will happen but try anyways because I knew a fellow who could not use the keyboard on a sequence, but tried the mouse and it worked.

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Thanks Bob,

if I right-click on any block it gives me the "encrypted, move to the original computer" msg.. I just want to dupe the channels.. guess I will have to make the event myself

LZ, I am using the mouse method.. but the .lms is attached here.. try it out.. Des Moines Chior - Carol Of The Bells.

Attached files Des Moines Choral Society - Carol Of The Bells_16.lms

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TJ Hvasta wrote:

Thanks Bob,

if I right-click on any block it gives me the "encrypted, move to the original computer" msg.. I just want to dupe the channels.. guess I will have to make the event myself

LZ, I am using the mouse method.. but the .lms is attached here.. try it out.. Des Moines Chior - Carol Of The Bells.

It is a strange sequence indeed. I can delete, I can add effects, I can rename the sequence, but I can not copy and paste via mouse.

TJ Hvasta that is a special sequence that must need the original designers approval or something just like Bob said.
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