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Strobes on LOR

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I want to incorporate some strobes into my display this year. I've not used them before, so I wanted to check with some of you first.

What model or type of strobes do you use in your displays? Are there special tricks and techniques you use to get them to work correctly with LOR? How do you get them to fire at the specific time you want (or can you)?

Thanks for any advice!


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You can put the strobes on a standard C-9 strand where the C-9's would normally go and plug the strand into one of the LOR channels. I only need one channel for the # of strobes that I have (6 in all).

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I have a question. I bought 10 strobes from Christmas Light Show and could not find any information on how many amps each strobe takes. I am working on a spreadsheet that will show be everything and need a number.


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Great information guys. Those C9 strobes look pretty easy to work with.

Michael B, I have no idea how many channels I would dedicate to strobes yet. I'm just starting my planning now, and starting to think about strobes and where to put them. I've got 48 channels to work with this year, so I'm having fun thinking about the possibilities...

Does anyone ever try to control exactly when a strobe fires via LOR, or do you just turn them on for a few seconds and let them flash at will? If you do have more fine grained control over them, what strobes do you use and how do you achieve that?


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Very little power comsumption with strobes. I controll the strobes in my display using five AL channels - 225 strobes. Strobes store up current until they reach the point of firing - light -and then begin storeing up current again. Because of the randomness of firing AL or LOR can't dictate an exact time of fire but if multiple strobes are assigned to a given channel you can be assured that at least a couple of the strobes will fire within miliseconds of the command with the rest firing thereafter.


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neworder wrote:

I have a question. I bought 10 strobes from Christmas Light Show and could not find any information on how many amps each strobe takes. I am working on a spreadsheet that will show be everything and need a number.


Darryl's strobes draw 6 watts each.

20 strobes = 1 amp (confirmed with a meter yesterday)

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