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Electrical ground question/sub pannel

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I am trying to figure out how to wire up me LOR boards. I was going to do a sub panel of 100 amps and have two 15amp lines run next to the sub panel. Im going from one side of the basement to the other (30ft) and i have a cut out hole that goes outside from there.

For last year i had four 15amp brakers ran to the other side and this year i need 135amps so thats 5 more 15amp breakers and lines

My main box has slots open but im out of space for the coper grounds and nuturals. What do i do?

Is there an advantage to a sub panel besides you only have to run one big wire (100Amp) than 5 smaller (20amp).

Sub Pannel: 100amp breaker $45, wire $47, 15amp Breakers $48, Sub Box $20 = $160

5 15amp New wires: Wire $60, Breakers $17=$77

Thank you, Jordan

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Jordan Marosell wrote:

My main box has slots open but im out of space for the coper grounds and nuturals. What do i do?

Go to a commercial electrical supply company and get another, smaller neutral buss. Find a clear space in your panel, perhaps opposite the other buss and install it. Just because I like to be over cautious, I would find a wire at least the size of the ground that is connected to the cold water pipe or grounding rod. Install it as a jumper between the old and new neutral busses. If you have to, move one of the neutrals from the old buss to the new one to have space for your jumper. Install the neutral and ground wire of the sub panel to the old buss bar. This way there is less wire for it to travel through. You may even want to add a second ground rod when you add the new sub panel.
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In your main panel it ok to install both the neutral and the ground wires under the same screw, what I mean by main panel is the one that is fed from your meter and the neutral is bonded to the panel.


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You can double up on your neutral wires, put two under one lug. Just make sure they are the same wire size. This should free up some slots for you. Same goes for the ground wires.

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