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Can someone confirm that if I set the ID the same on 2 ribbons that they will be synchronized? I have arch that is seen 360 degrees and want to put ribbons on each side.

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I personally do not think having 2 units with same ID would be a good idea.

Not sure what network would think of that?
How Hardware utility would respond to it.

I would set 2nd unit to separate Id and then copy and paste the sequence from 1st unit to the 2nd unit once you add the new channels to your sequence. Each side of arch will do the same thing but have ability to change them if you want.

This is what I did to take your sequencing of 1 arch for Christmas and expand it to 3 arches. Thanks again for those sequences.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yes mine work fine that way. I do see a difference in that one is cat5 and the other is wireless. The wireless "loses" (gets confused) commands VERY occasionaly. Never at any one point.

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