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Strobes causing power fluctuations


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When my 24 strobe channel is on, the battery back up (UPS) on the DVR beeps to signal its on battery power.

I have a brand new 100 amp sub-panel with all lights plugged into it. 3 amps total on this controller with the strobes and nothing else on this sub-panel circuit. The DVR is running off the main panel. No connection at all.

Using HW, I lit only the strobe channel and nothing else and the UPS still beeps at me. Kill-A-Watt says 3.11 amps. There are two other UPS in the house that are not affected.

Any ideas what would cause this?

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There actually is an electrical connection between your main panel and your sub panel.

I wouldn't describe this as the strobes causing power fluctuations as much as the strobes putting out a great deal of electrical noise that runs throughout the house and that noise is "upsetting" this UPS.

For a simple solution, try replacing the first one of your strobes with an incandescent bulb. Or try putting a surge protecting power strip in front of your UPS.

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I run a UPS and have 24 strobes as well, never had an issue though. The only issue I ever had with strobes is if moisture gets in them, which happens every time it rains.

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I believe pdowns is on the right track. Last year when I was testing the strobes on my second floor roof. It drove my house dimmers crazy. I could see the lights in my house going up & down, on & off. The problem went away after I added the rest of the strobes. I'm using multi-location dimmers where they send a signal on the line to communicate. Similar to X-10.

Maybe moving some of the strobes to a different controller may help.

OR what worked for me was to add more strobes.:(


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Checking all my circuits I found I had made a mistake with a different controller. When all channels were on 100% a circuit pulled over 17 amps. I moved 8 of these to the circuit the strobes are on pulling only 3. The problem has not been noticed since that move.

I am not sure why that would correct the problem. But now we can watch tv without the beep beep.

Thanks for all the help everyone.

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