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No Power!


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We recently added four 16 controllers on top of the four we had last year. Everything has been working fine up until last night. It came time to plug the lights into one of our last controllers. The hardware was able to find the controller, but it was not controlling the lights. We figured it may have something to do with one of the fuses. We took one of the fuses out, replaced it with a new one, and turned the controller back on. However, when we turned the box back on, the status LED did not turn back on. So we replaced both fuses with new ones. Still nothing. I've checked the GFI and have switched the box to different outlets and still no status LED.

Any suggestions?

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Nobody has any ideas? I ended up taking the controller down and have it inside to work on now. From the looks of it, I think it's the fuses that may be the problem. It is an older controller with the gray fuse screws (The new ones we got have a black cap)

I attempted to put the fuses back in, but the "screws" that hold them in keep spinning, where as with our other boxes the "screws" stop when they are all the way in. Any idea on what would cause this?

I'm desperate!

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I just read this post. From your description in your second post, talking about fuse holders I figured out what type controller you had. Had you stated a 1602 or 1600 would have made it nicer. There was an issue a couple years back with fuse holders breaking on these units.


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