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Sequences not responding


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I apologize in advance for anything said incorrectly - first time LOR home setup.

I have a CTB16D ver 2 that I am using channels 9-16. The unit ID is set at 05 and I can verify each channel is working via the Hardware Utility, including the channel chase.

I built up my sequences using the specific channels and unit ID, but when I run a sequence test (with Light control on) nothing happens. I have triple checked my preferences, the Comm port is correct but I am missing something as the Sequences are just not playing.

Here's another data point. I tried the hardware utility sequence stand alone and received the following error: "There are no light o rama controller events in the file! The most likely cause is that the channels in the sequence were not configured. In the sequence editor you must set up the channels to be Light-O-Rama controllers."

I did set up the channels as LOR controllers - so I don't understand this error. Thought it might be useful to include here.

Any thought would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Additional info:
- LOR S/W 2.3.8 on Win XP HP notebook
- Cat 5e connection
- Sequences files located on my desktop
- When I start Sequence editor I receive an error with respect to file locations but my sequences are clickable in the recent sequences new/open sequence dialog box
- Not sure what revision of Firmware, old enough it does not support LED lights

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When you have the hardware utility do you see your controller?

Next you should place your sequences in your LOR folder under My Documents/LightoRama/Sequences

Also your audio files to same location but in Audio folder

Replay your sequences and retarget your media files and try this for now

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Denis Chaput wrote:

When you have the hardware utility do you see your controller?

Next you should place your sequences in your LOR folder under My Documents/LightoRama/Sequences

Also your audio files to same location but in Audio folder

Replay your sequences and retarget your media files and try this for now

I will try moving my files to that directory location - I set my own location. Sounds like that could be a problem

I'm not using any audio this year
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Completed a test via the Sequencer a little while ago, so assuming nothing else is wrong I should be in good shape. Of course, the kids are looking for the blow up toys not the lights. :P

One small issue remains. My 4 hour program ran... in 12 minutes. Guess my assumption that the sequencer ran in real time was false....

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