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Hardware utilty how to get both controls involved

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Guest Don Gillespie

The hardware utilty will show one controller how do I get it to recognize both controllers they are hooked up with the proper cable when I hit refresh it goes through its search then it says it found one unit beside refresh it reads as follows 01-CTB16D VER-4.01 when I try to run a test I want to know if all the lights are working how do I do that if the hardware utilty can't find the second controller??

I thought blew a fuse earlier so I changed them with new ones and rechecked all my amps and cords everything seems ok

Guest wbottomley

Don Gillespie wrote:

The hardware utilty will show one controller how do I get it to recognize both controllers they are hooked up with the proper cable when I hit refresh it goes through its search then it says it found one unit beside refresh it reads as follows 01-CTB16D VER-4.01 when I try to run a test I want to know if all the lights are working how do I do that if the hardware utilty can't find the second controller??

I thought blew a fuse earlier so I changed them with new ones and rechecked all my amps and cords everything seems ok

Do both controllers have the same unit ID?

If so, change one of the to two.

You might also want to check your RJ45 cable.



Does the HWU see both controllers now? Can you control any lights or none? Are the LED's flashing, on, or off.

It would help if you could be very specific about what you have, how it's connected, what's running, etc.

Guest Don Gillespie

Ok what I have done is I have one controller hooked all sixteen chanels work great the second bank worked just as well last night up to the fourth musical sequence, so I thought I blew a fuse went to Circuit city and got some new ones I am using the exact same fuses that came with the controller 15 amp ceramic fuses changed both fuses in the second controller unplugged everything in the second controller plugged everything into a gang box and plugged into my garage which is a gfi 15 amp outlet lights stayed on for over an hour plugged everything back into the second controller fired up a sequence and nothing changed the plug going to the controller and still nothing any ideas what else could I be doing wrong


In your sequences you have to change the unit ids for the channels that were on the controller you changed. ie. If you changed your second controller to unit id #2 then you change the unit number for the channels, that were plugged into that unit, in the sequence editor. Tha easiest way to do this is open one of your sequences in the editor click on the tools tab at the top, then select channel property grid. There you will see all your channels and what there unit id's are. Just change the channels unit number for the channels that were plugged into your second unit. And save.

Sort of long winded but hopefully you understand. Try it for just one sequence first to see if this fixes your issues. Then use import/export channel configuration to change the rest of the sequences. :)



Sorry I was typing and didn't see new post.

Did you try to change the RJ45 cable between the two units.

Also to clarify you said you changed the unit id on the second controller. Did you change them in your sequences to match?


Guest Don Gillespie

Did that still does not work what I have is the Light O Rama musical sequence packages 1 and 2 I am baffeled as to why this is not working the led lights were blinking until I enabled the controllers then it stayed on solid


Will the sequence play in the sequence editor? Or is the issue when you try to run a show?


Guest Don Gillespie

It plays in the sequence editor fine onyl when I try the show

OK this is new now bank one has lost half of its power is it possible I need a heavier fuse go to a 20amp would that work or would I wreck the controller?


Have you tried the verifier located in the control panel?


Just run it. It will check your sequences for issues.

BTW What version are you using?

Guest wbottomley

If you're blowing fuses, then I suggest you take some lights off of that bank. Do not upgrade the fuses unless the input cords have been replace with 12ga. wire.

If the LED's are on steady in the controller, then check your channel config. With both of them on solid, your cables are good.

EDIT: wire size... 20 amp/12 ga.

Guest Don Gillespie

I am using the LOR 1602W system 32 banks I looked at your display mine is no bigger than that I do have three displays that are motorized the rest are all mini lights
I have22 strings of 70 lights on the garage in one channel on the house I have some icecle lights 16 strings of 100 lights all of my lawn decorations are the mini lights 6 penguins, 7 polar bears, 1 horse, 1 seal, 6 deer, 3 angels, 1 candy cane, I do have the net lights around my deck 5 strings 300 mini lights each, i have a star with 100 mini lights some old fashioned ground lights 6 strings at 70 lights each I have 8 trees in the yard each tree has the led lights 35 lights to a string each tree has 12 strings

I have four reindeer on the roof all mini lights a 150 lights for each deer ,i have an Angel on a pole 20 feet in the air 150 mini lights with 16 strands of lights fanning out this is the show piece and it is still working great I have two rope trains and 1 Noel sign made of rope lights along with a merry X-mas sign made of rope lights there are three displays of snow flakes hanging in the yard each display has three snowflakes with 150 mini lights on it, finally i have two lantern lights at the end of the driveway each lamp there are 2 of them has 150 lights.

I have the lights plugged into the system and I am positive I am not over the amperage


Are any of the motorized elements plugged into it. They don't do motors.

Can you tell us exactly what & how many lights are plugged into the 8 channels that are not working. Channel by channel.


Guest Don Gillespie

I can and I will our grandaughter has just come in so I will put this list together and I will post in the morning I really appreciate all the help you have given me so far looking forward to hearing from you tomorow

Thanks to all who are trying to help me out

Don Gillespie serious rookie

Guest Don Gillespie

Good morning at one point some one mentioned the verifier on the control panel my goal this morning is to unplug everything and start with just a string of lights on each bank and see if the controls are working when I have that done I will let you know what happened, this should tell me if the problem was on my end or the controllers end

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