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Strange problem only in hardware utility


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I apologise if this has already been asked and answered, but im running out of time for christmas.

Ok -- quick description of the fault i have found. I have the ctb16 channel unit only in my first ever lor setup. i have spent the past two days getting my control unit into a proper metal box etc and all the lead off extension leads into their boxes, just waiting on me installing the actual lights (probably next weekend) -- couldnt wait for next weekend, so set up some of the lights on channels 5, 7,8,9,10,11. When i go into the hardware utility and test each channel using the virtual dimmers all is fine except when i raise channel 5 on its own, channels 8,9 and 11 also illuminate, but not uniformly ie.e at different levels. Very strange -- checked all wiring etc , all is fine. I then opened a simple animation and asked channel 5 to illuminate slowly to full power for 10 seconds and also to go immediatley to full power for 10 seconds. Ch89 and 11 remained quiet (phew as hoped). Is there any know bugs with the hardware utility that may cause this? i can replicate it on my laptop using xp and also in my main pc using windows 7, so i dont suspect operating system problems, or pc hardware problems

With only a week to go before my big turn on, i was panicing incase i had a faulty unit -- its not quick to get a new unit to the uk, ut i believe it to be a software rather than hardware fault.

any ways -- the show can go on to my wifes relief -- the turn on bar b q is already arranged LOL

Any info appreciated..


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Hi pete -- im using v2.60 of software and the firmware -- i will have to check in the morning, its 9pm at night here, pitch black, pouring with rain and windy LOL dont fancy plodding across the garden to connect up to see -- im guessing the latest version of firmware, as i only recived the unit last week

Thanks much


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If they are new, probably newest version. I don't know if it makes a difference, but what kind of lights?Also if you turn on 8,9, or the other does 5 act up?

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Hi again, i tried it in reverse and found no problems i.e. if i power up 8 or 9 or 11 or all of them, channel 5 remains quiet. i have 150watt halogen spotlights on 8,9 and 11, and a string of fairy lights on channel 5. The controller is split 1-8 on one supply, 9-16 on the other.

As i said it only happens in the HW utility. if i run a blank sequence and power up channel 5 it doesnt affect any of the others at all -- very strange

thanks again

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I agree, very strange. I am sorry to say that I have no idea what is going on. I am sure someone will jump in with more knowledge than me, which won't take much, and help. Good luck

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thanks pete -- its not really going to be a problem anyway -- as i say my sequences will run fine as it doesnt interfere with them (would have been really concerned if it did LOL)

Thanks for your help


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Just a few things in the past that have tripped people up. With two different supplies. Be sure to keep your neutral wires on the proper side of the neutral block. Dont put a neutral from say a light string that plugs into output 3. On the side of the neutral that is part up the power to outputs 9-16.

And then dont do what drove me crazy for a week. I got my hot and neutral swapped at the controller (mind you I am only using one power source for both sides of the controller). I had LEDs that just would not fully power down. They kind of glowed all of the time and fades were horrable.

Hope all works out. Frankly, I have all of my lights up as of Saturday and I am running test and tweaking the show up. I would not wait till the day of and then have everyone over for Bar-B-Q and have a glitch and big let down and you left with a beet red face and arse after the wife gives ya a whipping.

BTW, daughter is up in Lancaster taking semester at one of the local colleges.

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I had some weird problems not to unlike what you are describing and it turned out to be a ELL issue. I'm still working through that, but if your using the ELL's try a temporary hard wire connection to resolve any communication problems.


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Thanks all for the help so far.... The supply is correctly wired hot and colds, and the 1-8 channels are all kept on the one common side of the board, and the same for 9-16.

Its is a really strange problem, as it only happens whilst using the Hardware Utility -- as i say on the actual sequences, everything runs absolutely perfect :-)

I plan to get the rest of the lights up over the next week, to allow me to do some tweaking on the Friday / Saturday nights, ready for showtime on the Sunday. Dont know about the kids getting excited for Christmas -- im high as a kite ready for my lights to be switched on LOL

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You mentioned that you have small lights on channel 5... Do you know if electronic power supply (small one) or a transformer that powers the lights?


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Hi Dan -- they are on a transformer. I have since tried a straight 240volt set of lights with no transformer, and get the same problem. However as i said the problem only happens using the hardware utility program, the sequencer is absolutely fine



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Please Delete, response already covered.

LightORamaDan wrote:

You mentioned that you have small lights on channel 5... Do you know if electronic power supply (small one) or a transformer that powers the lights?


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