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multi or solid colors for mega tree


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Yes. Builders choice. Since you are only using 16 strings, multi might look better. Solid colors are great if you are doing several colors.

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depends what kind of effects you want to achieve.

Do you think you would like an all green tree, or all red tree during your show?

For me...definitely go with the solid colors...more versatility (but does use up more channels).

My mega tree is only 8' tall but I have 120 strings...30 of red, green, white and blue with each string 8' long.

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Jeff Millard wrote:

Good if you want it to pop, but bad if it overpowers the rest of your decorations. It's a flame thrower by comparison. My response was to add more lights to everything else...


That's why I only use my Mega Tree in my last song..sorta like the fireworks at the Fourth of July.

Gotta build up to a finale...not give the customers all the goods right out of the gate...

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