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No Show- No Lights Working


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When I run the test in Hardware Utilities my lights work...it finds the LOR Device on Comm 4...I do the Select Unit to Configure and it finds 01 - CTB16D Ver 4.01 hit test and all the lights come on. They will twinkle, shimmer, and steady.

Under Set Unit ID I have a drop down choice and have selected nothing...should I select 01 here? Because it says to do that for units without selectors and I think I tried that and it did not make a difference....I don't know if my unit has a selector or not..i think it does cuz it has worked in the past without me having this problem....

Now when I try to play a show or even play from the sequencer it does not play anything.

I have my channels in the sequencer set to:
Device Type: Light O Rama
Network: Regular
Unit 01 Circuit 1
Unit 01 Circuit 2
Unit 01 Circuit 3
thru Unit 01 Circuit 16

Is there some control or setting or command I am missing? I obviously have them hooked to the computer correctly or they would not light when tested....

11 days til Halloween and I need my Halloween show to work so any help is sooooo appreciated!!

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In the sequence editor make sure you have it set to control the lights. In the menu bar at the top click on the one that says "Play" towards the middle of the list there is an option to control lights. Make sure there is a check mark next to it. If there isn't then that is probably the source of the problem.

If that doesn't work Try resetting the controller. Make sure it is unplugged and set both unit ID dials to 0. Plug the controller in and wait 10 - 20 seconds then unplug. reset the units ID to 01. Then plug it back in.

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SDembski wrote:

In the sequence editor make sure you have it set to control the lights. In the menu bar at the top click on the one that says "Play" towards the middle of the list there is an option to control lights. Make sure there is a check mark next to it. If there isn't then that is probably the source of the problem.

If that doesn't work Try resetting the controller. Make sure it is unplugged and set both unit ID dials to 0. Plug the controller in and wait 10 - 20 seconds then unplug. reset the units ID to 01. Then plug it back in.

Oh...you are so awesome...I hope that was the problem....I am going to try that...there was not a checkmark next to it...I knew it was something simple that I did wrong...

I went in circle like a dog chasing its tail for hours last night...clicking buttons, yelling at my husband who was standing outside in the dark staring at a dark house....."does it work?"...."nope?"..."ok"...click another button in the LOR sequencer...."does it work?"...."nope?"..."ok"....we did this FOREVER!

I AM GOING TO TEST THIS LITTLE CHECK MARK RIGHT NOW. If this was my problem I am going to be so happy and yet and the same time I am going to cry. I knew the answer was going to be sooooooo simple.

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My question would be.

Did you try to plug in the controller/lights and that stuff after you had the sequence editor open? Personally I have never had to go in and tell the sequence editor to control lights. If I know that I will be watching lights I make sure that I have everything plugged in before I launch the editor.


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I don't think the software cares whether you have any hardware even plugged in. I think the only way to disable it is by manually deselecting that option. It could have been clicked off by accident or disabled intentionally while working on a sequence while connected to live hardware.

Last year I was still working on sequences after my lights were up so during the day I would disable them because I can't see them from my show/sequencing computer anyways.

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If you launch the sequenced editor with NO hardware connected the control lights option is UNchecked. I do not think it the sequence editor will reenable the control lights if you connect controllers with it open.


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On my machine I haven't had a serial or USB adapter connected in months and I have started the software several times and it is always enabled to control lights. I have even unchecked the option to control lights but when I restart the sequence editor it is always enabled.

Since this machine has had all released versions of LOR software installed going back to version 1.6, maybe it is due to some old file that is still on the machine so i will do a fresh install on a spare computer I have and see what happens.

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I feel so dumb right now. I forgot that if you have the LOR control panel running with shows enabled it will automatically disable the control lights option in the sequence editor and you will then have to manually enable it. If the LOR control panel has shows disabled the sequence editor will automatically activate the control lights option.

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