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Can't Change Bit Rate in Audacity


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I have a short WAV (3 seconds) of "Merry Christmas Charlie Brown" that I am trying to convert to 128 bit MP3. I have the correct LAME encoder, but for some reason, no matter what I do, it always saves as a 64 bit. I have the MP3 exporter set to 128 bit. It is such a short audio clip, that it probably doesn't seem to make any difference, but it is bugging me that I can't export it as 128 bit. Worked with a dozen or so other WAV files that I converted. Any thoughts?

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I have used Audacity 1.2.6 with LAME v3.98 and have not had this problem. I presume you have set Audacity Preferences ==> File Formats ==> MP3 Export Setup ==> Bit Rate ==> 128

How do you know the result is 64 kbps?

Under MP3 Export Setup does it show LAME v3.98 as the library?

And you are correct, no one could hear the difference anyway, especially not in 3 seconds!

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I also have used it to convert quite a few WAV's and MP3's with no problems.

Yes I have the Preferences set to 128 bit.

You can check the properties in Windows Explorer and it will tell you the bit rate. Right click on the file, Properties, or even just drag the cursor over the file name in Explorer and it will give you the info.

I am done working with all my audio files for this year, but don't want this to crop up again, so I was hoping to figure out what was wrong.

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