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Light-O-Rama Forums

Playing Different Programs


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Hey Peoples...

I know you guys are busy getting your last minute Halloween tweaks in, but have a Christmas question, since I can't seem to find the answer here or in the LOR manual. lol

Is it possible to program LOR so that a different set of songs plays on different nights?

For Example:

Monday, Song List "A" plays
Tuesday, Song List "B" plays,
etc, etc.

Looking to get repeat customers so they don't have to view/hear the same sequence every night they come by.


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It is VERY simple.

You create your two shows (Using the "LOR Show Editor" tool). Make sure to give them different names.

One you have your shows created, open up the "LOR Schedule editor" tool. It is in this tool where you specify what show will run on what nights and at what times.

You can also just use the "Shuffle" feature in the show editor tool for you shows if you want as well.


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