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Maybe I'm doing something wrong that is really obvious to you vets, but I am not sure what is wrong with my setup. I put the software for the USB adaptro in my CD drive and then connected it. The software then installs the adaptor and when I go to the hardware wizzard for the LOR software and I hit "auto configure" it says "Unable to locate the Light-O-Rama port. Check that controller is connected and port is on." At first this may sound like I don't have it on, but I do and I also noticed that when it is searching com 3 that the light blinks, but as soon as it goes to com 4 it stops blinking. I told it that the controller was on com port 4 since that is what my device manager says that the usb com port is on. So when I select port 4, it does not blink and I click on refresh button and it does not find any units. What am I doing wrong? The light is solid inside the LOR hardware box so there is obviously some kind of communication to the PC.

thanks for the help.

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Do you have all your units set to different ID's? (if connecting more than one)?

Can you force the com port to 3? I'm afraid my USB experience is miniscule, but I'll try to help anyway.

Also, did you take the 10%? I believe we ordered at about the same time.

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No, I did not take the 10%, I wanted to get it so I could play with it since it is my first controller. that being said, it's the only controller I have.

Side note, I started the sequencer just for fun and the lights work, but the LIght-O-Rama hardware can't find it. I have the hardware from the full version software. Should I install the hardware thing that came with the USB connection software? Is that one newer or would work better?

So basically I can control the lights, but the hardware can't be found by the Light-O-Rama hardware program. This is.... odd

just an FYI, I have the Deluxe version of the board.

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musicman wrote:

I have the hardware from the full version software. Should I install the hardware thing that came with the USB connection software? Is that one newer or would work better?

I'm rather lost on what this piece is. Would it be something as part of your kit or a 3rd party? If it's from LOR, yes, install it.
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Ok, the full version of the software has a "hardware" utility which is supposed to find all the LOR hardware that you own and then you can test it to make sure everything is plugged in correctly. On the CD for the USB connector that I got in the starter kit, it had a CD so you can install the USB drivers and then the virtual com tool so that it can connect to the LOR hardware. In the CD there is a hardware utility that the full version installed already and I wasn't sure if this was an updated one or one made for USB or if it is just the same thing.

I just don't understand why the hardware can't be found by the LOR hardware configurator but it works in the LOR software.

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Have you set the unit id yet. If you have not, set the S1 and S2 dip switches. S1 should be (0) and S2 should be (1) that gives the board an ID number so the computer can find it.

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I'll probably add to the confusion, but I often had difficulty with the Hardware Utility finding things, but they worked just fine. (Granted, I didn't need to find them in order to do a firmware update.)

Are you connected directly to a USB port, or do you have an adapter which is creating a USB port (or two)? Some of those have been troublesome in the past.

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musicman wrote:

Maybe I'm doing something wrong that is really obvious to you vets, but I am not sure what is wrong with my setup. I put the software for the USB adaptro in my CD drive and then connected it. The software then installs the adaptor and when I go to the hardware wizzard for the LOR software and I hit "auto configure" it says "Unable to locate the Light-O-Rama port. Check that controller is connected and port is on." At first this may sound like I don't have it on, but I do and I also noticed that when it is searching com 3 that the light blinks, but as soon as it goes to com 4 it stops blinking. I told it that the controller was on com port 4 since that is what my device manager says that the usb com port is on. So when I select port 4, it does not blink and I click on refresh button and it does not find any units. What am I doing wrong? The light is solid inside the LOR hardware box so there is obviously some kind of communication to the PC.

thanks for the help.


If you have the USB485B (dual RJ45) then you need to update your Hardware Utility with the one that came on the CD with the USB drivers. We meant to put a message in the box with the USB485Bs to update the Hardware Utility but that was not done.

Just copy the HardwareUtility from the CD your LOR directory. The new hardware ulitilty is named: LORHardwareUtility.exe In the Light-O-Rama folder the hardware utility is named: LORHardware.exe If you want to use the new hardware utility from the taskbar then you need to delete LORHardware.exe and rename LORHardwareUtlity.exe to LORHardware.exe

Sorry we forgot to put a note in the box!


If you have the USB485 (single RJ45) then you do not need the new Hardware Utility.
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musicman wrote:

I just don't understand why the hardware can't be found by the LOR hardware configurator but it works in the LOR software.

The SequenceEditor and ShowPlayer have a one way conversation with the controllers.

The Hardware Utility has a two way conversation with the controllers. The Hardware utility has to be able to read responses from the controllers and the USB485B has a different way of getting responses from the controllers.

The USB485B has a "quick response" capabiblity that the SC485 and USB485 do not have. This "quick response" requires slightly different code and the original version of the hardware utility does not see the controllers.

With this quick response feature interactive show can be better supported.
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