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need help with show editor

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heres what i want to do:

i have 1 music sequence and 1 animation sequence. i want them to play back to back from 8pm to 10pm, so i opened show editor and and added the animation sequence in the animation tab and the music sequence in the music tab, saved the show and started her up. lo and behold, both sequences are running at the same time. what did i do wrong?:devil:

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wow, now im getting a little worried, 41 views and no replies, how bout this, is there any better manual for show editor than just the help section of the software? i just want to run an animation sequance and a music sequence back to back for 2 hours

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put both in the musical sequence tab, then they will play sequentially in the show.

A musical sequence is an animation with music and must be in the music tab, where as an animation can be in either, but if you want them to play sequentially they must be in the same group.

Hope that helps

Doug C.

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Richard III wrote:

ok here is my promblem.

I tried to put an anmation it the music tab but when I click the "+" sing i can only chose musical sequenses

You should have a small arrow to the right of the "Files of Type" field. Drop down and select "Animation Sequences." You should be good to go after that.
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Don wrote:

You should have a small arrow to the right of the "Files of Type" field. Drop down and select "Animation Sequences." You should be good to go after that.

Where is the files of type thing you are talking about.
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Thanks don for trying to help but i did not get what you meant

Ok So I have no idea what don meant so can someone elses try to explain it mabey.

I go into the Show editor and I want to put an animation into the music tab but when I open the animations folder there are none to chosse from but if i go into the music folder i can chosse a music animation.

I am getting kinda confused.

Thanks for any help.

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When you hit the "+" button, a box appears, asking you to select one or more sequence files.

See the CANCEL button in the lower right? To the left of that button is a box labeled "Files of type:". In there, it says "Musical Sequences". You'll want to change that to "Animation Sequences". Just click on the words and it'll pop out with your choices.

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Actually, I've got a show editor puzzle of my own.

I start with a blank show.
In the Startup tab, I add a *musical* sequence that is a short intro.

Then I go to the Musical tab.
I add all my sequences.

The audio from my startup sequence plays, but the light flashing it definately from the first song in my Musical tab sequences. After the audio completes [for the startup sequence], it is dead silent.

EDIT: DISREGARD. READING THE MANUAL HELPS. "You may not put musical sequences in the startup component."

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Sorry I can't help you with your problem. I am new to this you Know. But getting better.

Edit: I didn't finish reading your post and I guess you solved it your self.

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Richard III,

Not sure if you ever had resolution. If not here is how it goes:

1. make sure you have created both an animation sequence and saved it in the regular "Sequences" folder.

2. Start the show editor and open the the show you want to modify (or just start with the empty show that appears when you start the show editor).

3. Click on the "Musical" tab

4. Click the big + (plus) sign.

5. The "Select one or more sequences" window will now pop up. It defaults to showing you the musical sequences... You cannot see the animation sequences at this time. To see the animation sequences, go to the "Files of type" drop down box at the bottom of the page. Click the drop down button and select either "All Sequences" or "Animation Sequences". The Animation Sequences will now show up and you can select on to add to the musical section.

Now if you do not see any animation sequences listed in the window and you see "All Sequences" or "Animation Sequences" displayed in the "Files of type" window then a number of things may be true. One is that you saved you Animation Sequence some where other than the default Light-O-Rama/Sequences folder or somehow you deleted the Animation Sequence or you never really created an Animation Sequence (all were musical sequences).

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